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  1. KCNC06

    What does the squat and wing spread mean?

    I just like that their submissive behavior makes it easier to catch them. Last night when I went out to close their door for the night, 5 of the 7 chickens came running out to see me. I may have them a little too spoiled. Whenever they see me, or hear me, they come running because I often bring...
  2. KCNC06

    What does the squat and wing spread mean?

    I've just been scooping her up and carrying her around. Maybe she'll learn that being submissive just means that I'm going to carry her around treat her like a pet rather than...whatever it is that chickens like to think they are. Mine are definitely pets though, people keep asking if we're...
  3. KCNC06

    What does the squat and wing spread mean?

    I am also easily amused, and like my creatures seeing me as the alpha. But the thought of the squat being perverted is just....eww. Well, I guess it's no more "eww" than the cat sticking her hind end up when we pet her. It may even be less ewww than that because our cat is just plain disgusting...
  4. KCNC06

    What does the squat and wing spread mean?

    Yeah, I have no interest in getting a rooster. We had one when I was little, he was hateful and mean. My mom has three that she's trying to get rid of now. She knew that she had two...but one of the pullets she bought turned out to be a young rooster. Now the roosters are a little too aggressive...
  5. KCNC06

    What does the squat and wing spread mean?

    Oh gross!! That's a terribly disturbing thought. Now a new hens aren't going to go getting all...weird and randy are they? We went through that last Spring with our snake. Never would have guessed that a male snake would get all...weird just because he was "mature". He got so...
  6. KCNC06

    What does the squat and wing spread mean?

    I do like it, mostly I like that she'll come up to me like this and let me pick her up. I never would have guessed that chickens could be such sweet and fun pets. Now I find myself looking forward to nice weather (like we're having the past few days - finally back into the 60's!!) so I can go...
  7. KCNC06

    What does the squat and wing spread mean?

    My EE (Hawkface - my avatar pic) has started this behavior over the past couple weeks. Whenever I get close to her, or when she comes up to me, she squats down and spreads her wings out a little. Nothing else really changes, she keeps talking the way she had been, she's just squatted down with...
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