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  1. Jeanna Marie


    Who likes stinky poop? I most assuredly do not! I started out feeding my chicks tucker milling medicated chicke starter in the green bag and had no problems. At 12 weeks I bought a 50# bag or pride and pleasure chick starter/grower and now we have stinky poop! Our poop used to be solid...
  2. Jeanna Marie


    You look like me sitting in the run in my lawn chair. Its good to know I'm not the only chicken crazy person who does that!
  3. Jeanna Marie


    My 14 week olds have been out for about nine weeks. No signs of worms as of yet but with the heat humidity and rain I want them to stay healthy. My 7 week olds are in an outside brooder but get on ground at least twice a week.
  4. Jeanna Marie


    I've read a few other posts on wazine and some folks say let them drink for 24 hours then pour the rest out. At what age are they old enough for the wazine. I have 14 week olds and 7 week olds.
  5. Jeanna Marie


    Can anyone tell me how to mix wazine for a flock of 7. It says for 100 birds use 1oz per 1 gallon of water....
  6. Jeanna Marie


    I have five buff orpingtons to give away in blount/marshall county. Three are roos the other two may be pullets. About 6 weeks old.
  7. Jeanna Marie


    So very sorry for your loss. Prayers for you and your family.
  8. Jeanna Marie


    Maybe they are looking for shade? Mine will go under the coop when the sun gets around to the run.
  9. Jeanna Marie


    I know! I have two roos for sure and a possible roo in the brooder. I don't think hubby could handle giving anymore away just yet. So I guess we are gonna have a pretty loud bachelor pad!
  10. Jeanna Marie


    One of my nine week old BO roos tried three times to crow this morning. It was an aweful screechy horrible sound. So proud!
  11. Jeanna Marie


    My next boxes have a hinged lid that opens up for easy clean out and egg gathering.. very convenient. I can gather eggs without going into the run..
  12. Jeanna Marie


    Yes I have fallen victim to chicken math. I bought six bo chicks straight run and ended up with five roosters. Gave away three kept two roos one pullet. Wanted six more bo straight run. Breeder had nine left so he gave me the other three. So that makes 12. Twice my original plan! But I...
  13. Jeanna Marie


    Here is the coop while we were still building. You can see wherw the door is supposed to be. We didn't put the door on. The top triangular shaped holes near the roof are covered in hardware cloth. The pine shakes have aboit 1/4 gap between them. The plans called for chinking which we did...
  14. Jeanna Marie


    I went to auburn as well....
  15. Jeanna Marie


    That's a cop out.. u weren't born in alabama were you?
  16. Jeanna Marie


    I built one of those solid off the ground log cabin looking coops with external nest boxes... lots of time and effort. They use it at night right now but I cleaned it today and its like an oven in there. Plenty of ventilation and alight cooored rubberized roof to cut down on heat but stil very...
  17. Jeanna Marie


    d Thank you guys so much. I thought that open air coops would be cheaper and easier but everyone seems to think chickens need a huge chick mansion. Not t to say that ooen coops cannot be just as nice. Here in the south our heat and humidity during the summer are gonna keep my babies out of the...
  18. Jeanna Marie


    So..would you say that you framed it as if it were going to have solid walls but instead used the wire. You said u have removable panels for harsh weather. What are those made out of?
  19. Jeanna Marie


    Sorry about your chick.
  20. Jeanna Marie


    Your post is what prompted me to ask. Do u have pictures? I'm not sure of the specs on building open air coops.
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