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  1. kingfrodo


    I don't have a Tom but I do have a little shi*t.....Her name is Alexia, Baby, BabiO, Hey you....same idea though
  2. kingfrodo


    I see what you did there!
  3. kingfrodo


    some people may require you to have nipples...LMAO!!!
  4. kingfrodo


    Hey guys. I have some cockerels I need to rehome. super cheap! There's nothing wrong with them I just don't need that many. I have: 1 Black Orp VERY nice big boy, came from Wisher. He has a bad eye but gets along just fine. He was actually my favorite pullet until he crowed the other day...
  5. kingfrodo


    x2 I have some of her old Black Orps and EE...Love them! They are big and beautiful and Wisher is a gem herself.
  6. kingfrodo


    If anyone is interested a friend of mine's daughter is selling 9 Buff Orps pullets. They are 16 weeks old. She lives near Ozark/ Enterprise. PM me if you want her contact information.
  7. kingfrodo


    I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who fangirls over Wisher and her Black Orps! I am so in the dumps and Wisher as always had the right advice and the right words to pick me up. Today one of my 12 (?) week old Black Orps from Wisher got poked in the eye. It bled just a...
  8. kingfrodo


    oh those are pretty too! You're not Debbie Downer....just giving ideas of what they could be. I really don't care what they end up being, just trying to see if I can figure it out!
  9. kingfrodo


    oh, that's exciting! Maybe I have some EE. I have four of them. They were in the "mixed pullets bin" at TSC. They are getting in white feathers with just a hint of reddish brown highlights.
  10. kingfrodo


    I *think* I have six pullets and four roos. I hope I don't have more than four. It is making it hard to decide who to keep. I'm torn between Chester and Mr. Darcy. Alexia my DD LOVES Chester and wants to "keep him forever and hug him" BUT I love Mr. Darcy.
  11. kingfrodo


    @Wisher1000 ask and ye shall receive! Here is Mr. Darcy. He is a BCM Not sure what to name her but this is the BCM pullet. It's cold today. this little cocky boy is Chester. He thinks he is the boss of everyone. some of them all fluffed up b/c it's cold out today...
  12. kingfrodo


    the heifers are getting so big!! We are working like crazy on the new "Taj Ma Coop" and hope to have it done this weekend to integrate the heifers with the Fab five (that's Duke and his ladies) I'll take some pix and post in a few minutes.
  13. kingfrodo


    @icandi what breed of chick is that in your avatar picture? I have four mystery chicks that look just like that.
  14. kingfrodo


  15. kingfrodo


    I'll have to disagree with Wisher....the correct phrase is War Eagle!!!
  16. kingfrodo


    Just got a call from my friend that works at the Enterprise TSC and the chicks just arrived. They have RIR, bantams, and Delaware.
  17. kingfrodo


    he is a BEAST! I saw him in person and Wisher is right, this picture doesnt do him justice. I have ten of her "babies" and we didnt nickname them Hefer's for nothing! at ten weeks old they are HUGE! I just wish I had gotten more than the ten b/c one of my "girls" crowed saturday. He...
  18. kingfrodo


    so after that crazy fast storm swept through here I went out to check on the chooks. All the "big birds" (olders hens and roo) were nice and dry b/c they are smart and stayed in their coop during the storm. The 10 little heifer's were SOAKING wet! For some reason they didn't get the memo to...
  19. kingfrodo


    yeah, a little.....
  20. kingfrodo


    You guys are killing me with these ducks! I want some but have no where to put them after they come out of the brooder.
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