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  1. Mamachic1967 about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Glad to hear you got a reprieve in the pain for a while and was able to get a few things done Sumi. Thanks for thinking of me. I'm doing ok, struggling with sleep and leg pain still but hoping both settle down soon. Couple of weeks I'll be back again for 3rd treatment, getting pooped.
  2. Mamachic1967 about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Hi Sumi, I'm still trying to figure out this site, not sure when people message me. I could be mistaken but did you message me? Not sure. I'm doing ok. Hope you are doing ok too.
  3. Mamachic1967 about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Thank you Sumi. Thinking about you.
  4. Mamachic1967 about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Why did you have to have your knee replaced because of the leg pain? Does the leg pains cause permanent damage? The pain is truly awful I could barely walk; now taking an inflammatory which takes the edge off. I'm glad you responded to my post. I'm always worried I might say the wrong thing on...
  5. Mamachic1967 about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Exactly. Hearing it, taking it in and coming to terms with it is a challenge but what we have is to be strong and to keep on keeping on. I can understand feeling grumpy, I think were allowed I'm doing okay, thank you for asking. Started having some real bad muscle cramping (side effect of...
  6. Mamachic1967 about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    I can understand how people don't know what to say to someone that has found out news of Cancer. It's simply sad that it happens and it's not fair. My heart breaks to hear your news, I now understand what others are feeling, facing, and dealing with. It is a blessing knowing we have others here...
  7. Mamachic1967 about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Thank you Sumi, I will do my best. As always your messages help. Thank you and take care.
  8. Mamachic1967 about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Congrats! You must be so happy!
  9. Mamachic1967 about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    It's been a rough day and I told myself I wasn't going to come on BYC and cry my heart out in frustration and anger but I did and I don't feel any better. I found out today I am not Stage 1 but I am Stage 4, in my bone marrow and possibly in my lungs. Instead of better news, hopeful news I get...
  10. Mamachic1967 about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Thank you it's nice to read someone else's words that I am thinking. Today was round 2 of bad news for me I don't think I can handle hearing much more. I hate my body so much for failing me time and again. If I had a blow up doll of myself I would take out my anger on my other self. I am...
  11. Mamachic1967 about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Hello Sumi, Thank you for the info and for asking about the bne marrow results. Today was actually the day my husband and I met again with my Oncologist to discuss the bone marrow results. I went in feeling great thinking this is all a big mistake. Then the nurse printed out my CT Scan done 4...
  12. Mamachic1967 about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Thank you oldhenslikedogs, hope I got it right. I have trouble figuring out this site still and didn't realize people had responded to my posts so I appologize for not answering you back sooner. Thank you for your message. I am so sorry you had to deal with it yourself. You are stronger than...
  13. Mamachic1967 about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Thanks Phil. I am grateful for your responses to my posts. I hope you're having a better day today. You said Mayo gave up on you, what is that? It sounds like you've been through a lot. That is something; 20 years, you are def a survivor. I'm doing my best but I have myself convinced that I...
  14. Mamachic1967 about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    thank you phil for your message. it feels like i'm going through the longest time in my life, so much waiting. i wish the shock would go away. i have lots of moments where i shake all over uncontrollably. i hear what my health team tells me and i'm working on trusting them, but i'm still very...
  15. Mamachic1967 about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    thank you for your message. it is hard. i don't know what to say otherthan I can't let go of blaming myself for this rotten disease. i connected with a socialworker today from the hospital that is helping/working with me and she said i need to change my way of thinking. that is hard to do...
  16. Mamachic1967 about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Friendly folk on BYC suggested I check out this group. I am 49 years old and was recently diagnosed with Stage 1 Lymphoma. I feel like I've been through the ringer so far. Two days ago I had my first appointment with my Oncologist 4 hours from home. I wasn't expecting it but he did a Bone Marrow...
  17. Mamachic1967 about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Hi, I had a full hysterectmy when I was 43 years old; abnormal cells. It was difficult for me to heal because I was stubborn and didn't slow down. Rest in the key! Menopause was something I was already experiencing before the surgery, but it came on strong fast; night sweats/hot flashes. Wish...
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