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  1. bwebb7 about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    I'm supposen a steak is in order! I am a little anemic and I get cravings once in a while. Low rbcs? google will tell ya and then google french kiss and practice that too! hahaha I hope you're feeling well. My cuz wants our pic to be her profile pic. If you want to see it PM me. (She is in Brick.)
  2. bwebb7 about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Hey Luna! Been checkin in here and there. Glad #5 is down! Yeah rain! Hoping you are still feeling well. I saw a really cute t-shirt It was pink and had a ribbon on it and then it screaming across the front: GIRL FIGHT!! I thought of you and smiled.
  3. bwebb7 about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    This should make you laugh... I left the garage door open (to the back yard) and this morning I have chickens roosting on the shelves! I have to go on an egg hunt! I hope you are feeling good and get a little time in the garden this morning. It is a glorious day! My cuz in Brick is still...
  4. bwebb7 about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    #1California Chick : Quote: WHOA! "The Song of the Champions" is following you around???? What kind of sign is that!!???!! Glad to hear that you are almost at the half way mark!!! KEEP ON KEEPING ON!!! Cindy Perfect! My Cousin Mary has just finished her 8th treatment. THANKS
  5. bwebb7 about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    The only time I don't like to watch the lightening is when I'm laying in my hammock tent attached to huge pinetrees in the Pisgah Nat. Forest 10 miles from where I parked the truck!! That seems reasonable to me LOL Luna- Don't you just LOVE a thunderstorm? I'm glad you are feeling pretty good...
  6. bwebb7 about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Newark is scary!My cousin's son named his child Camden and she hates that name because the city is so baad! Brick, NJ is gorgeous! I like allot of parts of NJ. Maine is beautiful too! We spent some time in Kennebunkport 20 years ago-it was breathtaking! All of New England is beautiful in the...
  7. bwebb7 about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Hey Luna- I just caught up with my cousin Mary, she is 7 treatments down -5 to go. Her husband took her to AC for dinner & drinks on Mothers Day. It was nice to hear.
  8. bwebb7 about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    I hope the steroids don't mess with you too much. I know that they made it difficult for my Scottie girl to hold her water. Mamie is a cutie! That was so nice of Orp! You have to be cheerful wearing that! Thinking of you allot and wishing you the best.
  9. bwebb7 about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    I'm sure you look beautiful! I bet breezes are a little weird. To feel breezes where you usually don't. I hope you have a great day.
  10. bwebb7 about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Yay for excellent blood work! Enjoy the next week. My cousin went to Bayhead to the beach and after her 1 hour parking she went to her car and a po was waiting to write her a ticket. she went to move to another metered spot and a po told her to go back to Brick! She thought it must have been...
  11. bwebb7 about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Quote: What a very thoughtful and wonderful thing! Oh Luna! you are inspiring! I'm glad your mostly O.K. she IS okay. it's just that her body has to catch up to her mind. and we're here to help her through it. ooops-I meant feeling mostly O.K.
  12. bwebb7 about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Quote: What a very thoughtful and wonderful thing! Oh Luna! you are inspiring! I'm glad your feeling mostly O.K.
  13. bwebb7 about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Yay Ruby! Glad that you didn't lose your hen! I hope you feel better and better.
  14. bwebb7 about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    I sure wish you the best. I know once you get past tomorrow the rest will be cake! I'll be thinking about you.
  15. bwebb7 about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    Happy Birthday! I hope you get to Longhorn and have an appetitefor it! That is funny being accountants and today is your day! Happy birthday to your sister too!
  16. bwebb7 about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    I'm pretty sure the hostas will be there. I'm sure things will be so up and down for you. I don't know what you are going through. I just hope that it is never more than you feel you can handle. I think a glass of wine is still O.K. at this point! Take it easy!
  17. bwebb7 about.....CANCER SUPPORT THREAD !!

    I hope you are doing well and taking it easy.
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