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  1. Ducks4us

    Russian Orloffs

    Here are a couple pics i took yesterday. I still wish so bad there would have been more of these available. She is my only one and she is my favorite!!
  2. Ducks4us

    Russian Orloffs

    Thanks for the help and link. I dont do facebook, but i will try to look that up . Its funny, cause i had seen pictures of them and loved the way they looked but hadnt considered owning any because i didnt think i would ever find any. So i was pretty excited when i seen this last chick left that...
  3. Ducks4us

    Russian Orloffs

    Thanks for sharing your experience/advice. I hope she has a long life. I too dont mind chickens taking breaks. My first set of chickens i didnt give any added lights and let everyone take their natural break. Unfortunatly we had a bunch of stuff come up at once this spring and we sold them all...
  4. Ducks4us

    Russian Orloffs

    Okay, good to know. How do you find breeders? and could you tell me what duck feet means? Does it mean they would be webbed? Or is it something that happens later?
  5. Ducks4us

    Russian Orloffs

    Oh how sad you lost your girl so young:( Good to know about the climate stuff. We are actually about an hour away from spokane. We are in north idaho. But pretty close to the same climate. So i hope my chickens all do well. Im real excited for spring when everyone starts laying. I will update...
  6. Ducks4us

    Russian Orloffs

    Spokane washington
  7. Ducks4us

    Russian Orloffs

    I am also partial to them haha! I spend alot of time with them so i can watch their behaviors, so i will definatly keep an eye on that. Right now most of the amerauacanas are not with them yet. They are a few weeks younger and still with some heat. There is only one ameraucana with them, and...
  8. Ducks4us

    Russian Orloffs

    I know! If they were easier to come by i would have gotten one. I ended up getting a pure white ameraucana cockerel since i have more ameraucana pullets. I wish they would have had more available that day but im sure glad i at least got one!!
  9. Ducks4us

    Russian Orloffs

    My russian orloff pullet. Got from the feed store. She was the only orloff left. So we bought her along with wyandottes and buff orps and then added some pure ameraucanas from a breeder. So she is our only russian orloff. But i love her personality, and her puffy cheeks!
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