Search results for query: *

  1. RussianChickens

    Russian Orloffs

    I agree! A very lovely eye. Something some of mine lack. I like a Very strong eye and some of mine are very slight. This is one of the things i will be looking for in my new stock this spring. Dark color and the good eye. Of course good body is a must for me. I dont like tge squatty birds...
  2. RussianChickens

    Russian Orloffs

    Ive got to get some pics of mine on here! One hen as a beard to die for. Its so much fuller than the rest i wondered if it was a fault or defect. This is on my mostly brown hen so i hope it turns a nice white as she ages but shes been losing white not gaining. They all have lost except for the...
  3. RussianChickens

    Russian Orloffs

    Only one of my ROs has increased white with age. The others have lost their white in favor of rich dark brown feathers with a tiny tip of white that barely shows. I like these dark with less white tips but the more white tips is a very nice look too. Im probably the only person hoping that...
  4. RussianChickens

    Russian Orloffs

    Can you PM me where you bought the mottled? I have one inexplicably mottled roo and no hens to breed him too. He is white with black and brown feathers mixed in. They are black or brown from shaft to tip. Like they describe mottled. Idk where brown comes in there. No tri colored feathers like my...
  5. RussianChickens

    Russian Orloffs

    Whats that black and white one? That's not an RO is it?
  6. RussianChickens

    Russian Orloffs

    I have a question. Can the LF ROs be shown? I am aware that the Bantam variety can but no clue about the LF. Im guessing not as there is no current APA SoP?
  7. RussianChickens

    Russian Orloffs

    Has any one tryed the birds from privet? I got some ROs from them and they look great. I would get the ROs from them before any other hatchery in my opinion. I personally will be getting some eggs or chicks from a private breeder in the spring. But the privet birds have been a great start!
  8. RussianChickens

    Russian Orloffs

    Sorry to those that lost birds in the heat. If it got to 108 F I'd probably be dead too . Heat makes me very sick, despite being young and in great shape. Doctors all say they can find nothing wrong with me. I guess me n' the birds are gonna get along quite well. Anything over 70 and I'm...
  9. RussianChickens

    Russian Orloffs

    I'm looking for some good quality Russian Orloffs. I'm in Michigan. I would like to get spangled and splash. Black too but I'm not sure if there are any in the US, so that may be a future project for me. I'm already searching for 2 other Russian breeds which I may have to import so that will...
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