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  1. phrogg

    First Hatch, Homemade Bator, (Update: Hatching! on 04-03-2010 PICS!!!)

    My EEs came from Ideal Hatchery, all were chipmunk at chick stage if I remember correctly. My hens are 4 barred rocks and 14 EE's. The EE hens are a variety of colors, from wild type, and other things I don't know the name of.... silver lookin ones, red heads with brown bodies, light brown...
  2. phrogg

    First Hatch, Homemade Bator, (Update: Hatching! on 04-03-2010 PICS!!!)

    11 out of 17 so far, black ones, a black one, a black one with a white belly, black ones with white wing tips, a chipmunk one, a mottled brown/red looking one (not really "mottled" but you know), and a couple whitish ones. No yellow chicks. I wonder what you can tel about adult plumage from...
  3. phrogg

    First Hatch, Homemade Bator, (Update: Hatching! on 04-03-2010 PICS!!!)

    man, hatching can be a little nerve racking huh? I think there are six chicks hatched now... several more pipped, some visibly rocking back and forth. I know it has been less than 11 hours since I saw the first chicks, but it sure does seem like everyone else is taking a long time to hatch. I...
  4. phrogg

    First Hatch, Homemade Bator, (Update: Hatching! on 04-03-2010 PICS!!!)

    2 chicks running around... 1 zipped half way... 3 or four more pipped... I guess it must have been a little warmer in there than I thought they are from a flock of EE's with a few barred rock hens... the first two chicks out are black, very different than the EE chipmunk chicks, I can't...
  5. phrogg

    First Hatch, Homemade Bator, (Update: Hatching! on 04-03-2010 PICS!!!)

    Hah! I just realized we go into lockdown on April fools day. I hope that turns out alright. Everything is looking pretty dark in those eggs... I think I have a "yolker" though... It's mostly clear with just a round dark spot opposed to the others that look mostly dark except the air sac...
  6. phrogg

    First Hatch, Homemade Bator, (Update: Hatching! on 04-03-2010 PICS!!!)

    they are developing fine.. we can see the little legs in one of them that is pretty easy to see through... still cant see in the green eggs, even with a 3 LED light. We're keeping our fingers crossed!
  7. phrogg

    First Hatch, Homemade Bator, (Update: Hatching! on 04-03-2010 PICS!!!)

    Candled tonight Saw all kinds of developing emryos and veining. My light is only 1 led and i think could stand to be brighter. I cannot really see anything more than a dark spot in my green/blue eggs. I think the shell just needs more light to penetrate and unveil the veining and what not...
  8. phrogg

    First Hatch, Homemade Bator, (Update: Hatching! on 04-03-2010 PICS!!!)

    Temps are holding strong, I never did calibrate my hygrometers, hopefully they're right and hopefully my actual humidity is alright. I would post an update on the eggs progress but you know, I don't figure they've made much right now...hehe I'll candle here sometime and post some pictures...
  9. phrogg

    First Hatch, Homemade Bator, (Update: Hatching! on 04-03-2010 PICS!!!)

    One thermomter will range from 99 - 102. Another hits 97.2- 100.8 That awesome pawpaw glass in there is my simulated egg. I rolled up a gallon ziplock, stuck it down in the cup, placed my thermometer probe in the middle of the roll and filled the bag. It seems that would be a good indicator...
  10. phrogg

    First Hatch, Homemade Bator, (Update: Hatching! on 04-03-2010 PICS!!!)

    My homemade "lame water heater thermostat" incubator has been rockin steady with my simulated egg temp right at 99.4/99.5 Humidity stays right around 50-55%. Adding a larger tray bumps it up towrd 70% humidity. It's been on it's test run for about three weeks now. I put 18 nice eggs from...
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