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  1. Beekissed

    A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

    I've built a TBH using a box style hive as well, using the foundationless Lang frames that I just left the bottoms off of. I'm hoping to obtain some old drawn comb in the spring to see if I can lure a wild swarm in, if possible. I'm not interested in any bees except feral ones at the moment...
  2. Beekissed

    A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

    YW! Keep us updated on your TBH this season? I always love to hear about folks using these. They've come a long, long way in the beek community since I first inquired about them on beek forums....those guys would just bite your head off and laugh about the TBHs. All except Mike Bush, of...
  3. Beekissed

    A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

    This guy has a great site for all things bees and also TBH....I'll quote him on that practice: Quote: This guy is the first one I talked with when contemplating TBHs and he has sound, practical advice, so you may want to bookmark his site. He...
  4. Beekissed

    A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

    Sure can!
  5. Beekissed

    A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

    What incredible news!!!! I'm so very glad to hear all of this! How neat to finally be able to work your farm the way you wanted to and to have live in help for that is just a blessing indeed. I'm so pleased! You should stop over to the "other" Porch and tell the folks there if you get the...
  6. Beekissed

    A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

    Where you been so long, woman!!!!!! You'll not believe this, but I was just thinking about you today and wondering how you were doing, if you were still having good fellowship with that good church family you found and how you were doing with your place. Funny, huh? God put you on...
  7. Beekissed

    A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

    Awwww, how sweet!!!! Thank you for offering but I could most likely get a piece of old drawn comb or two from some local beeks down the road if I'd ever stop and ask. Most beeks are nice enough to help out folks in such things. I'll likely close it all down soon and start over next spring...
  8. Beekissed

    A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

    Not a single bee.... Maybe next year, huh? Got plenty of honeybees out there, though, so still have some pollinators this year.
  9. Beekissed

    A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

    I agree. I wish there were some way we could mimic their natural homes more closely. The top bar hive is as close as I've seen but I think if we could do a top bar in a column/vertical hive it might be even more closely there. Sort of like the Warre hive, I guess. But not so cumbersome to...
  10. Beekissed

    A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

    I had read that same thing. Observing videos of many hive removals from old houses, under houses, in the walls, etc., I never once heard them mention any cross combing nor did I see anything like that.....makes one get the idea that when bees get a chance to choose their own abode they must...
  11. Beekissed

    A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

    When I was building this hive box this spring I read a lot about making sure the frames or bars line up north-south to prevent bridge comb issues. Could that be what is happening...bees trying to line up their comb with that compass position?
  12. Beekissed

    A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

    I think that idea is catching on....I love that DirtRooster guy on YT and all the captures he videos. It's an excellent way to build up a nice apiary of free bees, that's for sure.
  13. Beekissed

    A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

    We've had rainy and cold temps here too, so have not seen any bees at all since I put out my baited honeybees on any of the flowers at all. Hoping this warmer weather moving in this week~still rainy, though~will bring the bees back to my meadow. The honeysuckle is starting to bloom...
  14. Beekissed

    A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

    I think this is just GREAT!!! I would love a chance to harvest free bees in that manner....hardy bees just out there doing fine on their own, without any intervention from man is my kind of bee. Congratulations on your capture and your thriving apiary. Please keep us posted and keep those...
  15. Beekissed

    A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

    Under the bottom "drawer", I have the face of that drawer shimmed out to bee space so they can just crawl up into it. Funny thing is, the bottom of the frames I got, that I didn't use on the frames, fit right into that space, so I'm using one of the frame bottoms as my hive entrance reducer...
  16. Beekissed

    A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

    Lemongrass EO and also some beeswax that had a good honey smell rubbed into the walls, woodwork and underside of the bars of the hive....couldn't get my hands on any old or drawn comb as an additional lure, so tried the beeswax as an alternative. Placed three drops only of the lemongrass on top...
  17. Beekissed

    A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

    Hive is up and baited....been a fun project and now I can move on to other spring projects. I pray that it actually works to bring in a swarm...I'd be tickled to see it being used as a home. It's well insulated on all walls except the one facing the winter sun, roof and floors insulated, it's...
  18. Beekissed

    A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

    Thank makes sense to have it in the middle so that the heat can be more evenly distributed throughout the hive. Please let me know what you find out?
  19. Beekissed

    A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

    I agree! Great pics and great hive, combs, etc. Just lovely to see those industrious bees in a good home, doing what they do best.
  20. Beekissed

    A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

    Bush states it's important to locate the brood comb to the back of the hive for winter in a tbh, but another site says it's more important for that brood comb to be at the front of the hive so the eastern facing front will help warm the bees......CC, do you have tbhs and, if so, where do you try...
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