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  1. SilverPhoenix

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    It appears my hatch is over! I ended up with nineteen cutie-pie chicks, and one duckling total! Yayyy, now to raise them. Good hatching vibes to anyone who is waiting on hatches.
  2. SilverPhoenix

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    Well, chick number fourteen hatched while I was in class, but the others are still being slowpokes. Come on guys, it's time to come out already! Don't make me nervous! In more exciting news, the single duck egg in I stuck in "just because" just pipped! I might try letting this little one...
  3. SilverPhoenix

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    Yayyy, congrats to those with hatches and pips! I've got thirteen this morning. It's driving me a little crazy--some of the eggs have been basically fully zipped for about eighteen hours now, but the chicks haven't come out. I know they're alive, they're breathing, but I guess they're just...
  4. SilverPhoenix

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    ELEVEN chicks safely out as of right now! The eleventh chick just safely hatched! Two more are almost fully zipped, and eight more have pips of varying sizes. This is so fun! It's a total chick party in the incubator! They're climbing all over the place and falling asleep in funny/cute...
  5. SilverPhoenix

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    Adorable chick pictures, everyone! I have my first chick hatched! A light-colored OEGB! It's currently on its back and having a little trouble righting itself (maybe a little stuck to the shelf liner in there? Plus gravity), but it's been peeping and breathing well and looking at me. It's...
  6. SilverPhoenix

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    Jen4 -- Mine are due late in the day tomorrow! And rockers are definitely a good sign--you should have pips soon! ArbuckleMurphy -- Adorable photos! I have five pips now that I can see, maybe even more that are at angles I can't see! Gosh, this is so exciting. I'm supposed to be studying for...
  7. SilverPhoenix

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    No chicks yet this morning (let me tell you, I sure DREAMED about chicks everywhere!), but the unlabeled egg next to the sumatra egg has pipped as well. C'mon little ones, let's hatch!
  8. SilverPhoenix

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    I was just about to go to sleep when I heard a distinct "Peep peep!" from the incubator. I went over to check, and my bantam sumatra egg has pipped! First pip! Now sleeping is not going to be an easy task... It's exciting to think I may wake up to a chick, though!
  9. SilverPhoenix

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    Lockdown just started for me last night! Twenty-nine eggs, around twenty-eight or so of which were looking very good last I checked a few days ago. Please send good hatching vibes this way. Of course, I will do the same for all of you! I'll post pictures as soon as something exciting happens!
  10. SilverPhoenix

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    Gosh, so many adorable chicks popping out everywhere! Congratulations to everyone! I've still got nine days to go until hatch day. Let's hope it goes quickly! At least I have school to keep me busy, as well as a quick trip to San Francisco before it's time for lockdown. I'm getting so...
  11. SilverPhoenix

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    Woohoo, always love hearing about chicks hatching and pipping and running around all cute and dried off! I can't leave my eggs alone when it comes to candling. It's now the beginning of day eleven, and I just had to go through and check all the eggs again. There were definitely some that...
  12. SilverPhoenix

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    Quote: I use a semi-powerful LED light my dad got from Costco, personally, and it does an fantastic job! I could even see toes moving around one time I candled.
  13. SilverPhoenix

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    Congratulations to all of you getting chicks! So exciting! I love hearing about everyone's hatches. I candled my eggs again yesterday, on the end of day eight. Lots of happy bouncing embryos! I love seeing the embryos moving--it's such a special and cool sight. I never tire of it. I was happy...
  14. SilverPhoenix

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    I got super impatient and couldn't resist candling a day early! So far so, good--much better than what I was expecting for eggs shipped all the way across the country! There were maybe five or six that failed to develop or had blood rings, but the rest are looking like all is well. PeepsInc...
  15. SilverPhoenix

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    I decided to wait until day seven to candle (it's day five right now), and I'm going crazy here--especially hearing about all of you with hatched babies! Trying to be patient is hard when there's chicks involved!
  16. SilverPhoenix

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    Quote: Yay, congratulations! Looks like some nice healthy (but of course sleepy) chicks! All these cute pictures are making me excited. Gotta calm down, nineteen days to go!
  17. SilverPhoenix

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    Quote: Congratulations! These are great pictures of hatching, too. I want little heads sticking out of my eggs! (I'm on day two, it'll be a while. )
  18. SilverPhoenix

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    I've got a full incubator (eggs from PeepsInc), due on April 21st! Hoping for an awesome hatch--this is my first time with a full incubator, and boy is it exciting! When hatch day comes, I'm going to be going crazy! This is also my first time with shipped eggs. If I get even a couple of...
  19. SilverPhoenix

    APRIL HATCH-A-LONG come join in

    I have six call duck eggs that I'm hoping to hatch. I know they're notoriously hard to hatch and my previous hatches have had some bad luck, but it's worth a try! If I get even one little duckling, it'll be totally worth it. Due date on the eggs is April 10th. Good luck to everyone in this thread!
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