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  1. Papas Chickens

    Arizona Chickens

    So I lost my Wyndotte Roo this morning, All my Gueneas and half of my BR's were killed by my brothers stupid standard poodles about 5 months ago. But on a good note my silkies are reproducing well and i have four new turkeys unsure of the breed but it looks like i have one tom and three hens.
  2. Papas Chickens

    Arizona Chickens

    Howdy Yall im back!!
  3. Papas Chickens

    Arizona Chickens

    You might have to look on a chicken hatchery web side for "skirts" for your EE's or whatever they are called. It will protect them & help in the loss of their feathers.. Or let the free range more often.. Do you have chicken math?? They do need to be able to get away from a bully.. Yeah, I have...
  4. Papas Chickens

    Arizona Chickens

    Hi guys im having a issue with a few of my BR hens plucking my EE's back feathers what can i do to stop this problem? also my guineas are attacking my chickens what can I do about that aswell?
  5. Papas Chickens

    Arizona Chickens

    So this morning I wake up hearing this terrable screeching/baby crying sound coming from my chicken coop. So I get up and go out there at 6 am to see whats going on I get to the coop and I hear it again. So I go inside the coop and bam it goes off again right next to my head so I look over and...
  6. Papas Chickens

    Arizona Chickens

    I love Tuscon Banded Geckos I had three breeding pairs that I caught on my property and captive breed them for about five years I released the babies that were about a month old back into my yard, I think I released about 200 babies into my yard in those five years I see them all the time when I...
  7. Papas Chickens

    Arizona Chickens

    Its not a Mediterranean Gecko it is a Sub Species of a Tuscon Banded Gecko I see them on my property all the time.
  8. Papas Chickens

    Arizona Chickens

    Yuma Feed sells hardware cloth so does Walmart and Tractor Supply in the Foothils.
  9. Papas Chickens

    Arizona Chickens

    Thx Sill ill be waiting patiently at the mail box lol.
  10. Papas Chickens

    Arizona Chickens

    So I put up a hanging automatic feeder for my chickens it wasnt even hanging for five minutes before my Roo RugaRoo a Silver Laced Wyandotte started attacking it to establish his domanince over it. After a few minutes of attacking it a couple of the pullets came over and started eating out of it...
  11. Papas Chickens

    Arizona Chickens

    I would really like some BSF Sill ill PM you my address. Thx alot.
  12. Papas Chickens

    Arizona Chickens

    I went to the feed store to buy feed and to see if they had any Golden Laced Wyandotte pullets for sale all they had was the Silver Laced Wyandottes and Silkies once my neice seen them it was over lol, chicken math and my neices baby blue eyes got me lol.
  13. Papas Chickens

    Arizona Chickens

    My favorite in AZ is hands down Lees Ferry im a big trout guy and they have record breaker trout up there. The biggest toad I caught was 6.5 lbs from Lake Martinez trolling the edge of the shallows next to some weed growth, I was using a flashy bugger with a flash belly worm (my creation) as a...
  14. Papas Chickens

    Arizona Chickens

    So I was at the feed store with my neice (big mistake) getting some chicken feed when she spotted the baby chicks. I walked out with two fifty pound bags of food one for my adults the other for six Silkie chicks that I baught for my niece because im such a nice uncle lol. I got two white, two...
  15. Papas Chickens

    Arizona Chickens

    Out here in AZ I fish the Colorado River, Martinez Lake, Metri Lake, Yuma Lake, the canals, Lees Ferry. In Idaho mostly Snake River, I ordered some BSFL to help me start my colony.
  16. Papas Chickens

    Arizona Chickens

    Yes I sure do Sir, I also fly fish for catfish, sunfish and trout. I also tie my own flies and have a few I created myself which work very well for almost everything out here and in Idaho. Gallo I read that you breed BSFL any way you could send me some? We could trade flies for BSFL. ;)
  17. Papas Chickens

    Arizona Chickens

    Ok so I baught 500 Black Soldier Flie Larva from Rainbow Mealworms so I can start up my colony. I put out two baited buckets to see if I get any wild BSFL I should know if there are any around by the time my shipment gets here. If not ill order more and start my own wild colony out in my area.
  18. Papas Chickens

    Arizona Chickens

    K9Dave if you find out anything about the Black Soldier Fly Larva let me know, im setting up some BSFL baited attractor buckets today hopefully I have some in my area if not ill order 500 to start my colony. I also work for APS lol I do armed security for them in Yuma. I love fly fishing its my...
  19. Papas Chickens

    Arizona Chickens

    Howdy neighbor I live in Dateland wich is about 70 miles from you. ;)
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