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  1. Phottoman

    Arizona Chickens

    I started reading the thread on FF about two months ago, I am currently around page 550 with that only being half way. You mentioned going the one bucket way ... I did that too, but I found that two buckets (for me) work wonderful. Not the two bucket way others are doing with holes in the...
  2. Phottoman

    Arizona Chickens

    If you look at the bottom row (depending on the size of your screen) when you are posting, you will see what loos like a strip of film, it is two squares with sprockets on top and on the bottom. When you are ready to post a video from YouTube, click on the "SHARE" button,click the "EMBEDED...
  3. Phottoman

    Arizona Chickens

    LKD, the easiest way to load videos is first load them into youtube. Go to and start your own page, it's free, then when you have it loaded, copy the "embed" code, then when you want to load here, touch the icon showing the film strip, paste in your embed code, done, easy, peasy. Skip
  4. Phottoman

    Arizona Chickens

    First I would like to say Merry Christmas to every one. There is a KFC here in town that has a sign out front that reads "We are not afraid to wish every one Merry Christmas." That's exactly how I feel. And my Christmas present to all is the following video, me feeding FF to my chickens.
  5. Phottoman

    Arizona Chickens

    Picture me sitting here sedately reading about the happenings of Arizona Chicken Lovers and coming across this ... I have been chuckling and laughing out loud now for several minutes. Thank you for a much needed laugh. Skip
  6. Phottoman

    Arizona Chickens

    Yes, that is all my work. IF you are interested in a sign, PM me and we'll work out the details. And by the way ... I love to barter, so if any one wants a sign made for their front door or fence, let me know, I am looking for an incubator and would gladly make a custom sign in trade for...
  7. Phottoman

    Arizona Chickens

    Well, I'm a day late in wishing every one a Happy Thanksgiving, but that's the story of my life. All my chickens are doing fine, now that I told ALL the neighbors that any dog found on my property would be shot. Some didn't believe me, but one dog did wander onto the yard, I called the Animal...
  8. Phottoman

    Arizona Chickens

    Well, actually, the law is very specific on signs that need to be in very plain view, stating where parking may and may not occur, THAT is our problem, and "Common Sense" has absolutely nothing to do with this entire proceeding. In fact, and we had to check this for authenticity, he made a...
  9. Phottoman

    Arizona Chickens

    Something I seemed to have forgotten to mention in the above ... the damages sought by the plaintiff is to cover cost of repair to the vehicle BY THE TOW company. The transmission of the vehicle was, as I understand it, totally screwed up and replacement was the $2500 being asked for. This is...
  10. Phottoman

    Arizona Chickens

    I also like the side by side comparison of the two eggs, and I have had to tell everyone that we give eggs too, the shells are SUPER strong, be careful how you open them. Skip
  11. Phottoman

    Arizona Chickens

    Our Fair is NOT "run" by any government entity, we are not like "the Big City" type of Fair, we have a Fair Association with about 100 members, and from that we elect Committee Members (to run different departments of the Fair, livestock, small animals, art, photography, etc, etc). The Fair is...
  12. Phottoman

    Arizona Chickens

    Hmmm ... I listened to the song several times, even had it playing as I made coffee for My Beloved this morning, then returned to the computer to play it again and went looking for the words to the song ( and listened a couple...
  13. Phottoman

    Arizona Chickens

    I read this and laughed. I have several things going on with my girls. The one surviving RIR insists on staying most nights (and I mean MOST, not all) nights in the younger birds run. The 'young' birds are almost 6 months old, she just sits on a low roost by the run door, three nights out of...
  14. Phottoman

    Arizona Chickens

    All ya gotta do is search on Google, here's the FIRST hit I tried and all I typed was "4H Phoenix" At least this may get you started. Skip
  15. Phottoman

    Arizona Chickens

    Thank you, that's really good news. I just laid in a good supply of 2B pencils, they also seem to work best on wood when I am drawing up a new design on a sign. Skip
  16. Phottoman

    Arizona Chickens

    Thank you, I kind'a thought that. Now ... about the writing on the eggs?????? Skip
  17. Phottoman

    Arizona Chickens

    It seems that all my chickens are taking a "vacation" from egg laying, or have been since the heat started a little more than a month ago, OR they have found a place to lay eggs that I haven't discovered yet. Anyway, the idea of writing on the egg is interesting, is that in pencil or ink, or...
  18. Phottoman

    Arizona Chickens

    Thank you, and .... Thank you. I try. Now we are trying to come up with a company name and motto, and knowing Jamie, we'll have both shortly. Skip
  19. Phottoman

    Arizona Chickens

    Well, this was a surprise, and thank you for the interest, I really didn't mean to start anything with the statement that I carved signs. I live in Golden Valley and have worked in Oatman for several years, and actually started making signs because of the guy that was making them in Oatman...
  20. Phottoman

    Arizona Chickens

    WOW!!! All the way "down there?" From your info near your avatar, I thought maybe you were right here in the Kingman area. Thank you for your offer, and I will seriously think about raising those meaties. As I recall reading, they are harvested at around eight weeks, gee, that's about the...
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