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  1. Nickeyo

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Has anyone had issues with guineafowl not wanting to go into a tree at night? I have a flock of 12 adult Guineas I've had for a while and they go into the tree at night every night like clockwork. I've also got a flock of 20 ish chickens that also go up into the same tree every night aswell. I...
  2. Nickeyo

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Another interesting difference I've noted between broody hen reared vs brooder reared is thenguineas that have had a mother hen to follow seem to have much better stamina and, although mine are no different in temperament, if anything hen reared are tamer, the broody hen reared Guineas seem to...
  3. Nickeyo

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Do you all raise your Guineas in brooder or under broody hens? I hatched 90% of my guineas (36) under Broodies and a couple of chicken chicks with them and have had very interesting results. I have large runs for the chickens but I free range my Guineas completely, they sleep in a large oak tree...
  4. Nickeyo

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Wow We don't have anyone who tries to stone my birds thankfully although my neighbours all have dogs and the guineas play a dangerous game of perching just out of reach to provoke them or running into the gardens and then back out Up until the last week all of mine refused to go into trees at...
  5. Nickeyo

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    I'm finally free ranging all my guineas now, all is going well and there are even some chickens out with them. They all go into a tree at night (about time) although the adults are still reluctant and require chasing up otherwise they sleep on the floor by the run door Naughty birds! Other than...
  6. Nickeyo

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Does anyone have pictures of the development of royal purple guineafowl? Like from day olds upto adult as I have adult purples and I had what I thought was a load of chicks of that colour but as they have grown they seem more like pied Pearls so does anyone also have pictures of pied pearls...
  7. Nickeyo

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    I've never had any other predator problem other than foxes, we don't have any owls around by me bigger than a barn owl and they hunt mice, not other large BOP able to take a Guinea and we don't have a stoat issue either, my neighbour breeds guineas for guard birds and chickens for showing, he's...
  8. Nickeyo

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Anyone have any ideas on how to get Guinea fowl to perch in trees at night. I'm trying to train my guineas to live out in an old oak tree at night (my only predator is the red fox) but they don't want to go up, they all stand outside the run at the bottom of the tree and wait to be let in, there...
  9. Nickeyo

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    What are Guinea survival rates like free range, I have 38 guineas, how many do you think will survive till next year???
  10. Nickeyo

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    So I have 5 adult guineas and 27 keets (when I say keets I mean 14+ weeks old). The keets are getting big and some of the oldest are going bald on their heads, so I'm trying to introduce them to the adul guineas, they have been in a run writhin the Guinea aviary for 2 weeks and get along fine...
  11. Nickeyo

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Well I didn't even buy the pheasant I was. Driving home and it was in the road just standing there so I breaked and stopped and it didn't move so I opened my door to get out and it came and jumped in so I just continued with this pheasant (ring neck) no got home and it followed me to the Guinea...
  12. Nickeyo

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Does anyone have any opinions on keeping a pheasant with guineafowl? Do they get along etc and are there any diseases that I should be worried about the guineas getting from the pheasant
  13. Nickeyo

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Thanks, do you know which states have a climate similar to England, tho a bit warmer
  14. Nickeyo

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    This question is a little off topic but basically I can't really live without my chickens and horses and ofc Guineas, but land over here is very expensive in e Ik so I was wondering does anyone know roughly how much per acre land is in the USA? Like around California? As I've been think I'd like...
  15. Nickeyo

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Thanks for the help I stopped the auto turning and increase the humidity and within a few hours a chick was out cheaping away, looks like I got there in time
  16. Nickeyo

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Guys I need help asap, I have about 20 guineadowl eggs in the incubator but I lost the hatch dates and don't know if they should hatch this Monday or a week on Monday, (it's Sunday today), I opened the incubator and some of the eggs are cheaping so does that mean they want to hatch tomorrow or...
  17. Nickeyo

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Ok thanks, I hope they don't get to big! Any thoughts on whether I should keep grass short or long for guineas
  18. Nickeyo

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Thanks for the information, seeing as your quite upto date with Guinea genetics, the female pearl that the lavender is paired with is quite fat compared to the other guineas and struggles to make it over a gate where as the others can all fly over the trees, this makes me believe it is a meat...
  19. Nickeyo

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    So I'm not sure what the pied guineas gender is but I think my solid 'mulberry' guinea is female but it regularly chases the other guineas which makes me think it's male but it has some feathers on its back missing from potential treading or just been pulled out. If lavender is recessive why...
  20. Nickeyo

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    I have a question, I have a small flock of 6 guineas, there are 2 pearl, a white one, a pied lavender, and mulberry and a pied mulberry. I'm hatching eggs at the moment as I'm hoping to build my flock up to 20-30 strong but I really want so more White guineas, my white Guinea is male and it's...
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