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  1. leslea

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Well, the first four keets sold are off and into the hands of their new owner. I guess this is a milestone for me. I am officially a guinea keet dealer. I should add that to my resume. Thelma update (since y'all have come this far): yesterday she was off the nest for several long periods. I...
  2. leslea

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    That is adorable. The past two days have only yielded one keet each. Both days I have also had to fish out a keet that died while hatching. Very sad to see them moving, only to later find them dead. I know it isn't low humidity because it has been raining all the time for weeks. Everything...
  3. leslea

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Ha ha. Yes, obviously the keets are in a brooder. I was asking re: any eggs she might abandon that are not duds, so I can be prepared.
  4. leslea

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    We are up to 16 keets. She's sitting on 11 eggs still (she finally got up for water so I got a good count). Egg #12 in her clutch is a failed hatch from yesterday. Looks like she pecked it. :( I didn't try to fish it out just on the off chance it is still hatching. Looks kind of bloody, though...
  5. leslea

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    If I can figure out how to candle them, I will. I don't have an incubator, though, so I might have to give them to a friend. Would they be salvageable? This morning we are up to 14 keets, plus three in the process of hatching still beneath her. Don't know how many that would leave. Ten? So hard...
  6. leslea

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Thanks! They are royal purple. Dad has a few white feathers on the edge of his wings, but doesn't really look pied at all. The keets look just like mom and dad did when we brought them home, so maybe this is just their coloration...? There seems to be more evidence of this online this year...
  7. leslea

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    We are up to 13 today. Tomorrow will be day four, and unless something goes horribly wrong, I will be looking for two keets under her in the morning that were pipped and zipped tonight. That would leave several more eggs and I have no idea what their status is. I had no idea it could take this...
  8. leslea

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Came home to four more keets! Also found a dead one. Poor thing, looks like she pecked it. It had blood on its beak. Healthy ones + 2 day old one:
  9. leslea

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    So far little peeper is the only hatch. He/she will be 2 day old today. I saw an egg that had pipped this morning. Thelma has since tucked it back beneath her. I guess she will give up when she gives up...or there might be more hatching today?
  10. leslea

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Well, this morning Miss Thelma is still on the nest. I heard something peeping beneath her, so I risked a look. I guess it was a keet inside the egg? Hoping I didn't screw anything up, but I was desperate. Baby keet under the brooder is doing well this morning. Trying to eat when I give it...
  11. leslea

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Thanks, @jchny2000 The one that hatched seems to be doing well, but it hasn't eaten or had a drink yet, and I'm concerned that it doesn't have any company in the brooder. It's dark out now, so I guess I will check on the nest in the morning. I'm worried they will hatch beneath her in her...
  12. leslea

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    First hatch! For me and for Thelma! I happened to see the first keet hatch, while walking past. She started picking at the keet, so I took it away. She's still on the clutch, but I'm concerned now. I put the keet under the warmer. Concerned for it, too. I guess I should keep checking...
  13. leslea

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    I've never shipped eggs, but if I can get Thelma to hatch any, I might have some keets to sell. We'll see! I will be pleased with her if she hatches any at all. Our last 30 went to waste. Keep your fingers crossed. Every noise she makes, I have run out to check.
  14. leslea

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    That seems pretty young still. I would let the guineas acclimate to their home. In time they will definitely go out and explore. You will be glad you trained them to come to you for food when it is time to put them in at night.
  15. leslea

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    Just stopping by to say I am on keet watch...this weekend should be right about 28 days that my hen has been sitting on about 28 eggs. This is our first hatch of *anything ever* and I am kind of sick with eggcitement. She and her mate are Royal Purples.
  16. leslea

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    They might be! Here's hoping they grow out of it before they drive you batty.
  17. leslea

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    My two are only a few weeks older than yours. One M, one F. They are pretty quiet. They think they are chickens, I think. They do line up on the retaining wall outside my back door and sing to me at least once a day, but they don't get treats until it is time to be cooped, so normally the...
  18. leslea

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    That is sad. Sorry to hear it. I raised mine from a day old and they don't eat out of my hand. It's too bad you can't make it work, but you gotta do what you gotta do. I would do the same, if I couldn't get them to take to the trees.
  19. leslea

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    I only have two guineas. They are bossy, def top of the pecking order. Now that the rooster is gone they don't hurt anyone. They attacked him once and once was enough for him. If I put out treats, they will try to drive off the lowest of the pecking order pullets. They are only 5 mo old, but so...
  20. leslea

    Raising Guinea Fowl 101

    I have two, one male and one female. The male charges out of the coop first thing every morning, but then he free ranges with the rest of the birds. He is only 3 mo old, but pretty big. So far neither he or the female have hurt any of my chickens. They all brooded together and are exactly the...
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