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  1. CiceroXY

    Australorps breed Thread

    Yeah, I can understand very well haha when I was little, I shuddered at the idea of eating chicken feet but my grandparents taught me to appreciate them (... :rant) :old and now I like chicken feet haha the funny thing is that they are relly good :lol:
  2. CiceroXY

    Australorps breed Thread

    Ahh okay! :thumbsup I weigh the head and the feet instead.. because we actually eat them here haha :caf
  3. CiceroXY

    Australorps breed Thread

    Does it also include the head and the legs? I agree! they are tasty :drool
  4. CiceroXY

    Australorps breed Thread

    That's a great advice! :yesss: So do you usually butcher yours after 5 months?
  5. CiceroXY

    Australorps breed Thread

    First of all thanks for your answer :thumbsup Yes, I know that broilers are invincible in terms of dead weight but I already knew that in fact I just wanted to know from the other Australorp breeders if my BA cockerels dead weight was good or I could have done better.. and at what age they are...
  6. CiceroXY

    Australorps breed Thread

    I chose this breed because I like it but when I have not enough space and I cannot sell them, they become meat birds. After all it's a dual purpose breed. Two weeks ago I had to slaughter three 7-month-old cockerels and two of them weigh 2 kilos and 300 grams ( I think it's 5 lb circa ) and the...
  7. CiceroXY

    Australorps breed Thread

    Today another of my aussies has gone broody :confused: I am a bit confused, it's a really odd situation :caf The weather is so hot and muggy now here, I can't understand why they have waited until now to go broody.. I feel sorry for her but I absolutely don't want an another broody hen, too many...
  8. CiceroXY

    Australorps breed Thread

    First of all thank you very much for the info! :woot I put her and the nest in a shadow zone where the roo and the other hens cannot enter. She seems to be fine and doesn't move a millimeter ahah I see that she is very decided despite the muggy weather.. I don't think she will give up
  9. CiceroXY

    Australorps breed Thread

    I need an objective opinion guys. Yesterday for the first time one of my Australorps decided to go broody. But I think she messed up or she didn't consult very well the calendar. The fact is that we are obviouisly in August now and the temperatures are so high here.. today about 28°C but it...
  10. CiceroXY

    Australorps breed Thread

    I'm sorry to hear that too. And I totally agree with getaclue and what she said.. well, I couldn't have said it better! You know, a long time ago I read a book in which a 50 year old man called Alonso decide to dedicate his life to his passions. He loves reading books of chivalry and one day...
  11. CiceroXY

    Australorps breed Thread

    Therefore you want 4 hens ;) Are you not interested in having fertile eggs?
  12. CiceroXY

    Australorps breed Thread

    It seems to me that your chicks are pure Black Australorps :thumbsup I also have aussie chicks at the moment and they are almost 2 months old, too. They are identical to yours! :celebrate I know it's still too soon but what gender do you think they are?
  13. CiceroXY

    Australorps breed Thread

    Well, I usually came back later when she is out of the nest :lau I hate arguing :caf
  14. CiceroXY

    Australorps breed Thread

    Nice to hear you, too! :frow Moreover I noticed that they are even more jealous of their eggs than my hybrid laying hens (Harcos and Isa browns) in fact if one of my aussies is still on the nest but I want to take her egg, she will try to bite me and will not move a millimeter :lau
  15. CiceroXY

    Australorps breed Thread

    Be careful because they could accidentally break the first eggs they lay on the ground walking on or playing with them and once they eat their eggs, it will be a bit difficult to remove this bad habit (personal experience with my little flock)
  16. CiceroXY

    Australorps breed Thread

    Hey Unfortunately I am too far but I really like his posture.. I swear I find him imperious and bossy! If I were you, I wouldn't get rid of him My BA roo is really calm and shy and it is a peculiarity of that breed
  17. CiceroXY

    Australorps breed Thread

    Sorry man but it still seems to me that he will be a beautiful rooster I think this cause of his tail and his posture. The comb and wattles are not developed yet but Australorp isn't a very fast growing breed so maybe it's still early. I hope I'm wrong
  18. CiceroXY

    Australorps breed Thread

    I'm too far unfortunately
  19. CiceroXY

    Australorps breed Thread

    A colorful little flock
  20. CiceroXY

    Australorps breed Thread

    Yes, it seems that you have a boy and a girl But you have to wait just a little longer to make sure of that.
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