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  1. combatfuzzball

    Australorps breed Thread

    They were hatched on March 21st. So they are right on track for being 6 months of age before starting to lay.
  2. combatfuzzball

    Australorps breed Thread

    Yippee! My first Black Australorp pullet laid her first egg yesterday. It's honking huge next to my Easter Egger's eggs. Just have 2 more to start laying.
  3. combatfuzzball

    Australorps breed Thread

    How long does it take before the pullets start laying? I have 3 black Australorps that hatched 21 of March. I also have 4 EE hens born on 28 of February that are already laying.
  4. combatfuzzball

    Australorps breed Thread

    GOod to know. little stinkers are just really dirty though. Have to change food and water cause someone wants to poo in both. Every day! Several times a day! Grr!
  5. combatfuzzball

    Australorps breed Thread

    Question... Bought my Black Australorps from Tractor Supply but several of mine have white feathers growing in along with the black. Is this normal and they'll loose them during first molt? The feathers that are white are only afew near the butt and one has white along tips of it's wings. FYI...
  6. combatfuzzball

    Australorps breed Thread

    Maybe its just mine or my perceptions of them. My black Australorps are disgusting feathered pigs. Lol seriously they are many times nastier than my Easter eggers were at same age. For what ever reason I have to clean their feeder and waterer one to two times per day. My EE's I only had to about...
  7. combatfuzzball

    Australorps breed Thread

    I have 3 with barely any tail and at least 2 of those are starting to develop larger combs. I also have another 3 that 2 have really long tails and barely any comb. They're 5 weeks as of tomorrow.
  8. combatfuzzball

    Australorps breed Thread

    Here's my 6 4 week old Black Australorps. I'm thinking the first and last 2 are Cockerels since their feathers are way behind the other 3 in developing. Am I right in this guess? Thanks for any advice since I've got little experience sexing black chickens that look so similar as babies.
  9. combatfuzzball

    Australorps breed Thread

    Yes, I have just used AO since BA is usually used for another term. sorry for any confusion. Mark
  10. combatfuzzball

    Australorps breed Thread

    Well my Little's are now almost 4 weeks old. Looking like I have 2 little roosters out of 6 chicks. Based on 2 barely having any tail feathers at all and the other 4 having almost 2 inch long tail feathers. First really good look other than a quick visual inspection daily and picking them up for...
  11. combatfuzzball

    Australorps breed Thread

    Which are hens? Naw just kidding. Here's my Littles starting week4 of their life....Wow! do they scream bloody murder when picked up. lol
  12. combatfuzzball

    Australorps breed Thread

    Question: Do black Australorp cockerels develop tail feathers much slower than pullets? mine are 3 weeks almost.
  13. combatfuzzball

    Australorps breed Thread

    Well my Little Australorps are almost 2 weeks old. They seem to be growing quite a bit slower than my EE's did
  14. combatfuzzball

    Australorps breed Thread

    Here's my 6 2 week old black Australorps. Several have white wing feathers coming in along with blacks. Does this mean they're going to have Splash coloration? At least now they're starting to look a bit different where I can recognize individuals. THese are TSC Bin Black Australorps
  15. combatfuzzball

    Australorps breed Thread

    Quick question I have 6 week and half old black Australorps when do their feathers start growing? My 8 EE's had already started at same age. Just wondering if they're slower to develop.
  16. combatfuzzball

    Australorps breed Thread

    Yeah, I was amazed to see that at barely over 3 weeks. She must have been watching out for them cause they followed her around for a couple of days until they got used to everyone else. I had heard EE's make good mothers and can get broody but at that young it's amazing.
  17. combatfuzzball

    Australorps breed Thread

    Meet the Littles. This is the 6 new additions to my flock 2 more days until a week old and doing great with the 4 week old EE's I have. One of my EE's even burrowed out a nest in the litter and was trying to sit on them to keep them warm. They are MUCH calmer than my EE's and doing great. Wasn't...
  18. combatfuzzball

    Australorps breed Thread

    Well my 6 little baby AO's are doing great. They're so calm even if their new 3 week old brother and sister EE's sometimes get excited and bowl them over. Happy one of my baby EE's that I am sure is a pullet has been nurturing them. She's been letting them nest under her and even hollowed out a...
  19. combatfuzzball

    Australorps breed Thread

    In the Clinton area. Just getting a flock started.
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