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  1. mooSa

    What creature will defend against chicken predators?

    no my coop is pred proof, the problem is when they roam free, usually early in the morning i see a darn fox and he see me then he just goes away. The area is not yet fenced off but it will be in a month or so. Well my question is, will an ostrich attack humans and predators if it is train properly?
  2. mooSa

    What creature will defend against chicken predators?

    would a german shepard or k9 work? I want foxes taken care of.
  3. mooSa

    What creature will defend against chicken predators?

    would a mule attack predators (dog, fox , etc) during the night and before sun rise? I need somthing that wont turn down to anything or anyone lol.
  4. mooSa

    What creature will defend against chicken predators?

    I have been having problems with darn dogs and foxes and other predators. I need somthing that can live side by side with the chickens and protect them. I thought maybe an ostrich might be good. Any ideas?
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