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  1. australorp_breeder

    I forgot when I started my eggs!

    What's the reason you don't turn the eggs the last three days? And would I stop turning the 18th day, or stop the 19th day? Because if I stop the 18th technically I would be counting that day and it would make it four days instead of three. Unless you don't count the day they're actually...
  2. australorp_breeder

    I forgot when I started my eggs!

    Sorry I wasn't specific. I've been candling almost every day, things are looking great! And what I meant by messing around was it kept moving from different temperatures in the 90's. When my mom was turning the eggs today she accidentally cracked one so I was able to fully see how far the chicks...
  3. australorp_breeder

    I forgot when I started my eggs!

    Okay, so here's what's going on. I got my incubator set up and put the eggs in on the 23rd. However! I was messing around with the temperature quite a bit until the 25th. I know the last three days you aren't suppose to turn them so I'm not sure which date to go by. Do you think the eggs already...
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