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  1. Guitartists

    Scrap sq swap sign-ups! No sewing involved! Any last min folks?

    Sorry I have been MIA I got my squares and they were GREAT! Nothing I currently have, so it was great to be able to add them to my stash Thanks I'm glad the swap went so well Sounds like there are more swaps going on elsewhere on the boards... that's awesome If anyone would to set up...
  2. Guitartists

    Scrap sq swap sign-ups! No sewing involved! Any last min folks?

    LOL Nodoubt I didn't know there was a size requirement for that option...weird Maybe someone just didn;t want to do the paperwork
  3. Guitartists

    Scrap sq swap sign-ups! No sewing involved! Any last min folks?

    Sorry for the delay.... there was an emergency in the family Tues night and I haven't had a chance to do anything until this morning. Everything is taken care of and is as good as it's going to be. Partners have been assigned and I am messaging everyone with their info. Please have these in...
  4. Guitartists

    Scrap sq swap sign-ups! No sewing involved! Any last min folks?

    minniechicks.... if you are in, I'll need your addy PMed to me by tomorrow afternoon , that's when I will assign partners.
  5. Guitartists

    Scrap sq swap sign-ups! No sewing involved! Any last min folks?

    Waiting on one more addy.....
  6. Guitartists

    Scrap sq swap sign-ups! No sewing involved! Any last min folks?

    I'll give everyone a week to get their addy info to me...any late entries can message me their info before then to be added
  7. Guitartists

    Scrap sq swap sign-ups! No sewing involved! Any last min folks?

    Sorry everyone! My computer went in to get fixed and I lost track of some things...... I'll message everyone today! 2 partners each, 25 6 1/2" squares
  8. Guitartists

    Scrap sq swap sign-ups! No sewing involved! Any last min folks?

    Well, we're just a week away from the deadline....... So if we don't get more people signed up... are you interested in having 2 partners each... or shall we just assign one partner each for this one to see how it goes? And what size are we all voting for?
  9. Guitartists

    Scrap sq swap sign-ups! No sewing involved! Any last min folks?

    Darn... I tried that It must go away once you post
  10. Guitartists

    Scrap sq swap sign-ups! No sewing involved! Any last min folks?

    Does this site have polls you can add to the post???? I had put this in the first post for people just reading it for the first time Please put in your vote for size smile You can vote for one or all..... maybe we can do more than one size and pass out partners accordingly. 5" 6 1/2" 9...
  11. Guitartists

    Scrap sq swap sign-ups! No sewing involved! Any last min folks?

    Great! Looks like we are starting to get some people on board I'll keep a list in post #1 of people who want to participate.... and at the end of the month, or sooner if we get no more sign-ups...we'll figure out the specifics of the swap and pass out names
  12. Guitartists

    Scrap sq swap sign-ups! No sewing involved! Any last min folks?

    That's a good idea...... makes for no measuring really Quick and easy. There doesn't seem to be much interest Maybe there are not too many scrappy quilters on the BYC More input anyone???
  13. Guitartists

    Scrap sq swap sign-ups! No sewing involved! Any last min folks?

    That's what I'm thinking..... you get a bunch of fun new fabrics to play with.... for scrappy quilts or for imaginative applique pieces and you get to share a small part of your stash with someone else..... with the only work being cutting the squares and mailing them. And I know some people...
  14. Guitartists

    Scrap sq swap sign-ups! No sewing involved! Any last min folks?

    So, having been digging through my bins of fabric lately it occurred to me that many other quilters and crafters here on the BYC might be like me and enjoy scrappy quilts and projects that use many pieces..though none of the same. I especially like I Spy quilts And I also hate having to spend...
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