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  1. katharinad

    Mama Duck Attacked!!

    They are really big already. It seemed that they were just born, and now look at them. I'm so glad it worked out well for you.
  2. katharinad

    Mama Duck Attacked!!

    Well the old greenhouse was bad. The cheap roof had holes from falling pine cones and it got too hot in there. We only used it for storage in winter. It came handy when rebuilding it. We stripped it down and reworked it. We did reuse the storm windows by putting them outside and inside to...
  3. katharinad

    Mama Duck Attacked!! You can see our building process on this site. The lean on building has 2 rooms in it with concrete pavers for flooring. We had to do it that way because our inground sprinkler system runs below it. Had a pipe leak last year so it worked out well for us. The...
  4. katharinad

    Mama Duck Attacked!!

    I'm not that high speed with videos. Have to try the cell phone for video. We have a small USB plug which allows us to download from the phone to the computer without having to pay the phone do. I've been using it for photos, but still have a digital camera too. Here is a picture from last...
  5. katharinad

    Mama Duck Attacked!!

    Man they are growing so fast. Mine are now 2 weeks old and no longer need the heat lamp. It seems that heavy weight ducks outgrow the lamp business much faster. Mine stopped laying under the light at couple of days ago. Even a 40 watt lamp was to much for them. So I took the lamp away and...
  6. katharinad

    Mama Duck Attacked!!

    I was just thinking of you yesterday and today you did post more info on your quad. They are so much fun. I have 11 right now and I do need to get a bigger brooder setup. I'm thinking of getting a large kiddie pool to contain them. Right now I have to clean theirs twice a day and they just...
  7. katharinad

    Mama Duck Attacked!!

    Looks like they are having tons of fun. Nothing better then to paddle fast and to even back paddle. I'm so glad to see your outcome. It makes life all so much better. Mine are hatching right now. I have a hard hatch, which means the membranes are very thick. Three are out already. One...
  8. katharinad

    Mama Duck Attacked!!

    I grind down duck food and add vitamin/electrolyte water to it. I use a GQF vitamin mix , which contains electrolytes and probiotics. Katharina
  9. katharinad

    Mama Duck Attacked!!

    I would wait until they are at least one week old. I always wait until they are 2 weeks old and then I use two dog pens for them to run around for a bit. I guess it is a personal choice. You need to watch out for flying predators or snakes. They can swoop them up because they are still so...
  10. katharinad

    Mama Duck Attacked!!

    They wont bond like you are their mother. It's basically because they have each other. In a couple of days they will be able to eat whole peas directly out of your hand and that's when they will follow you around. They still will fuzz when you lift them up, but that is nature. I guess lots...
  11. katharinad

    Mama Duck Attacked!!

    They probably dive tomorrow. You will be amazed how fast they are under water. They love the bath time. Mine were waiting each morning for their bath routine. You will have to sit next to them and watch for fatigue, so they don't drown. You can tell that they had enough when they just float...
  12. katharinad

    Mama Duck Attacked!!

    They look like they need another week of incubation. I'm skeptical of the one with air on both end. but I have read from people that those eggs sometimes have two chicks in it. They either both make it, one makes it, or both die. When in doubt put back into the incubator. 2 and 3 look like...
  13. katharinad

    Mama Duck Attacked!!

    Quote: You did answer almost all of your question there. Ok I never hatched chickens, just ducks and quails, but brooding should be about the same. Read this thread and you will find the answers to it. A cage with cardboard around it and a regular lamp on top should work. A red light is...
  14. katharinad

    Mama Duck Attacked!!

    Strong little buggers I would say. They were meant to hatch so you can get over the loss of their mom. They will bring you joy and tons of poo. Can't wait for my 17 to hatch. Already sweating from all the upcoming work. I will keep you posted on their hatch. Today it is so cold out here...
  15. katharinad

    Mama Duck Attacked!!

    Quote: I did. Can you imaging giving birth to yourself? That was hard work. What always amazes me is how fast they are on their feet hopping around. Katharina
  16. katharinad

    Mama Duck Attacked!!

    I went way back and not sure which ones. Perhaps you can candle the last remaining ones just to get another look. How are the other 4 cuties? Are they all together now? Katharina
  17. katharinad

    Mama Duck Attacked!!

    Quote: Close. Sehr Gut My husband also only learned enough to get around and to order food. He didn't have to learn it, he had me.
  18. katharinad

    Mama Duck Attacked!!

    I thought I may share a German apple cake family recipe to celebrate the birth of the ducklings. Enjoy, Katharina Apfelkuchen * Apple Cake 2 sticks of unsalted butter, room temperature softened not melted lemon peel (equivalent of 1/2 lemon or less), I use the dried kind, can be left out 1 cup...
  19. katharinad

    Mama Duck Attacked!!

    Have you lately candled the other eggs? You've said they are making watery sound. Quite honest that is not so good. I wonder if they show any darkness and how big their air sacks are? Katharina
  20. katharinad

    Mama Duck Attacked!!

    Quote: From the candling pictures, you do have a chick in it. The question is how far along and is it alive. Some make it almost all the way and still die. I personally had success with pipping and had some without success. So don't hit yourself to hard on the head if there is nothing...
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