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  1. ChaeBird

    Eastern Washington

    I feel you on that, so very much.
  2. ChaeBird

    Eastern Washington

    I know! She's 7 months now! By the time her first birthday rolls around, we'll be in England!
  3. ChaeBird

    Eastern Washington

    Ada and Marie seem to be handling the winter well. Ada went into a molt after Ruth was killed, but she's stabilized now. Sadly for me, I seem to have developed an egg intolerance since I had the baby, along with lactose intolerance. Not good news for a vegetarian who wasn't really looking to go...
  4. ChaeBird

    Eastern Washington

    We're making appointments to get our corgi microchipped and then vaccinated, so we can avoid the quarantine period. Poor neurotic girl would not handle that well. After looking into the costs of quarantining our rabbit, we've come to the decision it would be too expensive, so I'm trying to find...
  5. ChaeBird

    Eastern Washington

    Husband just got orders to Lakenheath, so we're moving to England next summer. So much to do, so little time. I have a friend who said she'll take my two remaining hens and integrate them into her flock, so that's good. I'm gonna miss my little clucks.
  6. ChaeBird

    Eastern Washington

    Marie's wing was wounded in last night's attack. :( We're visiting family in Oklahoma, and our friends are staying at our house to look after the animals. They're doing their best to take care of Ada and Marie. I told them where the Vetricyn is. I don't know what else to do. We're going to be...
  7. ChaeBird

    Eastern Washington

    We lost our Ruth to something. That's three hens since June we've lost to predation. :(
  8. ChaeBird

    Eastern Washington

    I'm so sorry. :( I hope your kids aren't too traumatized. <3
  9. ChaeBird

    Eastern Washington

    I'm sorry about your chickens, Ninetreesmom. :( So close to moving, though, exciting!
  10. ChaeBird

    Eastern Washington

    My ladies have stopped laying, we had to resort to store bought eggs! They were so pale and flavorless. :( On the upside, we've harvested at least 20lbs of tomatoes, most of which was processed into tomato-basil soup and frozen for the winter.
  11. ChaeBird

    Eastern Washington

    I'm so sorry for your loss. :(
  12. ChaeBird

    Eastern Washington

    Awwww! So cute!
  13. ChaeBird

    Eastern Washington

    She's perfect and amazing! Thank you for asking. And yes, smiling all the time now, I love it! :D I'm dizzy with love. I love her giant apple-shaped head and her soft baby hair and her skin that smells like love. We ended up moving the chickens feed inside their coop to keep it away from...
  14. ChaeBird

    Eastern Washington

    Ooh, thanks! I will check that out.
  15. ChaeBird

    Eastern Washington

    The neighborhood birds are eating all our chicken feed! :( Any tips on how to keep them out of it? We're going through waaaay too much feed now.
  16. ChaeBird

    Eastern Washington

    Oh, that's so good to hear!
  17. ChaeBird

    Eastern Washington

    They are the best! Your daughter is beautiful. :) I've heard tying a brick to their head might work...but if mine turns out as nicely as yours, maybe it's not so bad. I'm going to nuzzle her soft little baby hair as much as I can, though.
  18. ChaeBird

    Eastern Washington

    Thanks! I think she's pretty perfect, too. She's gotten so big these past weeks! I keep telling her to stop it!
  19. ChaeBird

    Eastern Washington

    The girls are loving the new coop! My poor little bantam Marie is getting picked on by our SLW, though. Still haven't managed to trap that dang raccoon. Juniper is three weeks old today! Crazy!
  20. ChaeBird

    Eastern Washington

    We're doing well. I have an appointment tomorrow with the midwife to check on my healing. I can be up and about for short walks around the house, but I'm still hurting too much for long errands. Junebug is up 10oz from her birthweight, so evidently breastfeeding is going well, even though I...
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