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    Eastern Washington

    Chicken Friends, Late last fall I had a hen start acting a tad bit broody. I'm now trying to come up with a game plan if this happens again since I think the likelyhood is strong. Have any of you purchased fertile eggs shipped through the mail and put them under a broody hen? Do any of you...

    Eastern Washington

    Oh the first egg is so exciting !! But it I had my two cents I'd say wait until Spring! Mother Nature is very wise!

    Eastern Washington

    I am happy to report that my birds are all hens and laying albeit some with strange vocalizations. My next question is about maintaining egg numbers. I do not plan on butchering my hens. I know that their prime egg laying years are the first two. How long do chickens live? Is it better to add a...

    Eastern Washington

    Found a second egg today and the strangest thing is that it was laid right in the open by the feed and water.

    Eastern Washington

    Advice please! I have twelve pullets/chickens average age 19.5 weeks. One has been laying for two weeks in the nesting boxes (tomorrow). The others are making egg call vocalizations but no eggs that I can find. I've been letting them free range and can't find sign that they are laying outdoors...

    Eastern Washington

    Hmmm I wonder...One of my birds had the strangest vocalization today and I'm wondering if she is a he? Tune in to find out because I also live in town and am not allowed to have roo's...

    Eastern Washington

    I have 2 buff Orpingtons, 2 Wyandottes, 2 barred rocks, 2 rhode island reds, 2 Australorpes, an Americauna and a Golden Sexlink :)

    Eastern Washington

    I just have to crow...Got our first egg yesterday and another today. They are 18 weeks on average tomorrow. Such a exciting development its like Christmas in July!

    Eastern Washington

    I'm in Cheney too :)

    Eastern Washington

    I've had mine outside during the day and brought them in for the night! Mine are 6 weeks to 9 weeks my hubby was building me my coop but has hurt his back. What should i do if this is long term? Free range after I build coop or keep them locked in coop until i can get the run done?

    Eastern Washington

    Hope you have a coop already...I made the mistake of getting the chicks before the coop was finished and its taking a lot longer than expected. AND the cost is more than expected as well. My poor husband is so sick of working on the coop....I love my birds....But I hope they can hang on until we...

    Eastern Washington

    I'm near Spokane and I would like to be a part of the group as well. I have 2 Australorps, 2 B Orp, 2 Barred Rocks, 2 Rhode Island Reds, 1 Americana, 1 Golden Sexlink, 2 Wyandottes...All between 3 and 6 weeks....Oiii
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