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  1. lurky

    Help please!!!! **update**

    I just want to thank people for the advice on this subject and to say that the final 2 hatched sucessfully. I am very happy to have been able to get peoples thoughts on the subject and it turned out to be the right choice to MMOB. Here are a couple of pics. BTW....7 of 7 hatched with the broody...
  2. lurky

    Help please!!!! **update**

    Thank you all. I feel better now and will probably have one if not both hatched tomorrow. I can hear the second one too....but its not so loud and clear so it might be a gap between them. Anyway.....I was so happy to get the first 5 without having to panic like this I guess it was bound to...
  3. lurky

    Help please!!!! **update**

    OK....i think i will follow the dont worry thing for now. I hope thats right about breaking into the air cell that long before pipping. They are under a broody, so i did not hear the others. I think unless someone suggests otherwise, i will try to be patient. I'd be afraid to make a hole in...
  4. lurky

    Help please!!!! **update**

    I'm sorry if this has been asked a million times. I cant find it fast enough. I would like to know if its ok to hear the chick peeping in the shell for 7 hours without a pip? I heard the egg peeping at 11:15 this am. I went to work right then and its now 6pm and there is no pipping. I still hear...
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