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  1. Lobzi

    Sick Chicken, not standing, panting Very Hot outside

    Be patient, your description sounds so much like Baby at her worst. Id like to send you a movie clip I made of Baby today so you can see her improvement after 4 days on vit B.
  2. Lobzi

    Sick Chicken, not standing, panting Very Hot outside

    You're so very welcome. Following in "Kim" from SVchicken's foot steps I shall now do what I can to give people who have chicks this problem a hope of chance for recovery by passing on the advice.
  3. Lobzi

    Sick Chicken, not standing, panting Very Hot outside

    At her lowest point she had no apparent feeling in her legs and wings. I made this chair for her so take the pressure off her legs. She hates it but she fell asleep (the pic) in it. Yesterday she was on her haunches eating and using her wings a bit. Here is a pic of her on her haunches as...
  4. Lobzi

    Sick Chicken, not standing, panting Very Hot outside

    "Thiamin (B-1 or or aneurine) is involved in numerous body functions, including: nervous system and muscle functioning; flow of electrolytes in and out of nerve and muscle cells (through ion channels); multiple enzyme processes (via the coenzyme thiamin pyrophosphate); carbohydrate metabolism...
  5. Lobzi

    Sick Chicken, not standing, panting Very Hot outside

    Im using my multi B so Im not sure what one specifically but Im thinking thiamine. My Baby is doing SOOOOOOOO much better. This experience got me thinking..."I wonder how many vit B deficient chicks have been culled due to the thought that they might have Merek's." Just the possibility of this...
  6. Lobzi

    Sick Chicken, not standing, panting Very Hot outside

    Before assuming Merek's try vit B. I was advised my chick had Merek's based on leg and wing paralysis and after four days on vit b she is continuing to improve. Today she was standing and flapping her wings, motivating herself all over her pen area I made for her safety from the other chickens.
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