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  1. Atlas LaHaye

    Need some help really bad, maggots ate through my rooster neck!

    Here are come pictures of him Yes he is a Cornish Cross, no he was not suffering, he is not dead because he was to big. He had a healthy heart and VERY strong legs, he was never caged he was alway able to move around so that really helps if you hve Cornish Crosses, make sure they have LOTS of...
  2. Atlas LaHaye

    Need some help really bad, maggots ate through my rooster neck!

    Yeah, I had him all better from the Botulism, but I think the maggots may have got in him.
  3. Atlas LaHaye

    Need some help really bad, maggots ate through my rooster neck!

    And I will post some pictures of him when he was a healthy boy, I'm sure some of you would like to see him, he was awesome and a big dork too
  4. Atlas LaHaye

    Need some help really bad, maggots ate through my rooster neck!

    Just thought I would let everyone know I had General put down, the maggots came back really bad and I could not keep flies off him, even in a screen cage. His feathers were turning all black and I think they were gonna fall off. Also thanks for your guys/girls help, if ever I have another sick...
  5. Atlas LaHaye

    Need some help really bad, maggots ate through my rooster neck!

    General is doing great, he is crowing a lot lately and he now comes to food which he wasn't doing, and he walk with his head high and his stride is nice and long. How do you think the neck wound is looking?
  6. Atlas LaHaye

    Need some help really bad, maggots ate through my rooster neck!

    Hey, General is doing great, I woke up this morning and he was crowing (he has not done it since he has been sick) which made me relly happy. I got a new picture of his neck please let me know what you think. Here is before Here is after
  7. Atlas LaHaye

    Need some help really bad, maggots ate through my rooster neck!

    General seems to be doing better today, I think his cut is looking a lot better too, I will post another picture later, so you guys can let me know what you think.
  8. Atlas LaHaye

    Need some help really bad, maggots ate through my rooster neck!

    He is doing great, I got him a much bigger cage and he is loving it, his neck wound still looks the same (no maggots though) I am keeping neasporan on it.
  9. Atlas LaHaye

    Need some help really bad, maggots ate through my rooster neck!

    Okay so I went back to get the botfly out, and I don't think it is one, and I can't see it anywhere in there and my brother and I looked around everywhere, I am afraid to just leave it but I also dont want to pick at the wound to much (don't want to hit something I shouldn't) I put some more...
  10. Atlas LaHaye

    Need some help really bad, maggots ate through my rooster neck!

    I was wondering, I saw on the discovery health when this guy had these bot or what ever they are, he put saran rap over his wound and the little beast coulnd't breath so they came close to the surface, is it worth trying to do on General? (my rootser)
  11. Atlas LaHaye

    Need some help really bad, maggots ate through my rooster neck!

    Okay, I will start working at getting it them, thanks coopcrazy. I'll let ya know when I get the little pests.
  12. Atlas LaHaye

    Need some help really bad, maggots ate through my rooster neck!

    Well I accedently rips one in half, and I can't see the others, but the little idiot did go deeper, I will try again later, I did use some peroxide.
  13. Atlas LaHaye

    Need some help really bad, maggots ate through my rooster neck!

    Those three things do move, but only when he moves his neck I did touch them with a q-tip, but I will try and remove them. Thank you for the help
  14. Atlas LaHaye

    Need some help really bad, maggots ate through my rooster neck!

    I got him all cleaned up, and I have some oinment on his cut, I also have a really grosse picture of it, it looks like there are three things I am wondering if they are part of his neck or some kinda bug, there were also some black maggots . My dad said it was infected (probably still is)...
  15. Atlas LaHaye

    Need some help really bad, maggots ate through my rooster neck!

    Thank you so much for your answers, I will be cleaning him up here in a few mintures and will let ya know how it goes.
  16. Atlas LaHaye

    Need some help really bad, maggots ate through my rooster neck!

    Okay so I have been posting about my rooster who had botulism he is now SO much better, but I am at war with maggots, I bath him in warm water( he LOVES it), and I thought he was trying to drown himself yesterday as he kept putting his head under water (so I held it up fo him), but tonight I...
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