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  1. Silverwind


    Ours are near 30 weeks. NOT ALONE!! *grumble grumble freeloaders grumble* :)
  2. Silverwind


    Great to hear! Yeah, it's been fun this week - we had our four out for playtime this morning, in shifts - they're just near a week, now, and already getting so big. :D
  3. Silverwind


    It's amazing how fast they go from "tiny babies!" to "tiny babies with personalities!" :) And oddly enough, the one who keeps running away from us (brooder cleaning, water/food changes, butt checking) is the one with a reputation for being sociably easy to handle - the buff orpington. Hehe...
  4. Silverwind


    Way up near the WI/IL border - just outside McHenry!
  5. Silverwind


    What a crazy 24 hours!! Yesterday we get that long-awaited call - CHICKS!!!! Two EE's, one Buff Orpington, one Black Australorp. Kids are going crazy. :) This morning, about 10ish, we lost one of the EE's. :( (I'd really hoped to have a bunch of tinted eggs, and to be able to tell them...
  6. Silverwind


    Hi everyone! Just poking my nose back in here. :) I've avoided the site for a long while, it being far too tempting to look through... but we FINALLY have agreement from my husband! If we can get things straightened out here (planning coop site, for one major example) we'll be getting chicks...
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