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  1. AmpersatChick

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    21 weeks old and someone's finally laying! Woohoo, so excited just had to share! We have EE's and a variety of Wyandottes. Not sure who laid these but so excited!
  2. AmpersatChick

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Bwahahaha! Labelle is perfect!
  3. AmpersatChick

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    LOL, love the look on that chicken's face!!!
  4. AmpersatChick

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    I've read about that happening. Sounds like all sorts of weird things can happen with eggs!
  5. AmpersatChick

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Bwhahaha! Dumplins are sounding awfully if I can just hold off for...13 more weeks to butchering?!?!
  6. AmpersatChick

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Oh, that's good to know raydog! Chickensnewtome...I had to google Greers Ferry but I'm guessing you won't want to drive 3 1/2 hours for my roo!
  7. AmpersatChick

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    We're in Rogers, where are you? Not sure what we'll do with him yet.
  8. AmpersatChick

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    LOL! Mmmmm, I have to admit the thought of chicken dinner has been on the forefront of my mind since we got these silly things! It has been debated but we're so new to all this we don't know if we have the nerve yet to butcher!
  9. AmpersatChick

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Rats! That's what I was afraid of. Well, that leaves us 9 gals and either finding a home for one roo or having a chicken dinner. Thanks for the responses!
  10. AmpersatChick

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Could you more experienced chicken keepers have a look at these birds and give your opinion as to whether or not we ended up with 2 roos? They are 7 weeks old, everyone is saying the GLW is a rooster but what about the SLW? We can try to keep one but I don't think we could keep two:(
  11. AmpersatChick

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Very cool at home doctoring!
  12. AmpersatChick

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Is everyone ready to batten down the hatches tonight?
  13. AmpersatChick

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Do any of you sell your extra eggs or meat or even veggies from home or at a farmer's market? Can you tell me what the rules and regs are for doing that? Do you just get to set up or do they have to be inspected/approved etc. Curious for future reference.
  14. AmpersatChick

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    There's a listing on Craigslist that might be of some interest here. Someone giving away laying hens and a cow.
  15. AmpersatChick

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Ok, another question:) I'm going to have a lot of them I imagine! Out of our 11 girls, one is clearly the biggest and seems to be the bossiest/rowdiest. I'm noticing she pecks at the others' eyes A LOT. The other chicks do it occasionally but she's pesky about it. Is this normal or do I need to...
  16. AmpersatChick

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    I'm sorry gibblets, that has got to be so disheartening!
  17. AmpersatChick

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    baby picture! this is them still in the box. Have them in the brooder and they all look great though I think we'll need to expand the size of the brooder immediately.
  18. AmpersatChick

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    LOL green as they come! This is our first ever batch of chicks. I've been reading like crazy but that just doesn't translate sometimes! Good, all butts are fluffy, I tried to lift up the little nubby "tail" on one little lady and she protested just a bit
  19. AmpersatChick

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Ok, newbie question. Got my chicks in this morning, all look great! Started to check for pasty butt, turned a chick around and it just looks like fluff to me! So do I need to pull their tails up or if it's pasted over will I be able to tell at a glance? Thanks!
  20. AmpersatChick

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    This weekend was supposed to be our big push to finish the coop! Oh well. Good thing the chicks won't need it right away. Setting up the brooder today to get ready for 11 arrive next week!
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