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  1. Nashonii

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Hello fellow Arkies! I've been going through these posts starting at the first and following the people I saw that were around Fayetteville Arkansas. I'm trying to create a list of people to follow, around my area so that if I have a question about the weather or flea markets or looking for a...
  2. Nashonii

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    That's why I say every breed has every color.
  3. Nashonii

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Thanks for the response. Actually my avitar is my beautiful wheaten marans that I lost. I had no Idea he was so rare
  4. Nashonii

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Hello neighbor. I am your neighbor in Fayetteville Arkansas and a member of the backyard chicken. I'm writing to ask if you know anyone in our area who has Wheaten Marans. My only Wheaten Marans rooster got raccooned last week along with 10 of my other chickens! I'm trying to restock for next...
  5. Nashonii

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Please let me know what you think. I've never asked for eggs in the dead of winter, but if they arrive in good shap and hatch, I will have a head start on a new flock by march. And a protector for my existing Silkie hens.
  6. Nashonii

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    I have beautiful Silkie eggs coming and should arrive Friday or Saturday. You might try that. Found here here. Look up Brittany Brown. She has beautiful white, splash lavender, and another color. One maybe what you need. And her prices and shipping are very reasonable.
  7. Nashonii

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    I thankyou for the forward!
  8. Nashonii

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    I do still need a Silkie roo! I'm looking for one with a peanut, or walnut sized comb.
  9. Nashonii

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Hi neighbor! Just rejoined and looking for folks out my way. I'm on w. Hwy 16.
  10. Nashonii

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Murphy's law
  11. Nashonii

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Yes, I was one and joined three more today. No one has replayed to my need. But I'll try to keep an eye out when I can.
  12. Nashonii

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    We are all crushed. He was protecting his girls just as he was supposed to. He gave his life for them. They were all safely tucked under a bush. I didn't realize how hard it is to find silkie owners around here. I have sold 3 groups of chicks for $3 each. Now can't find any!
  13. Nashonii

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Well there only 10,661 replies as to where in AR you live and I have to let my chickens out sometime today. SD o let me just say "Hi! " yo everyone. I'm in NWA 15 miles from Fayetteville, Silome Springs, Farmington, and Townti Town. Anyone near me with Sillies or Polish? My only sizzle/silkie...
  14. Nashonii

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    sorry I didn't mean to just quote Mrs.Bachbach. I think this thought is more accurate with my hens. I don't see the molting,but my hens arent fat,a although they can freely eat the scratch with layer pellets. They mainly free range. I'll recheck the their boxes for varments. Earlier I heard some...
  15. Nashonii

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    They are free ranged,sometimes they get table scraps, but more often they get layer feed and scratch. Could they ALL be in a slow molt? I'm at a loss.
  16. Nashonii

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Welcome! Love to talk chickens. I am outside Fayetteville (west). I have Wheaton Moran's,Ameraucanas,and white silkies/sizzels. I don't have eggs to sell yet but come early spring I can sell you some fertile eggs. Hope you enjoy raising chickens and this area as much as we have.
  17. Nashonii

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    All but one of my 20+ hens stopped laying about 2 months ago! I put large shavings in the coops and layer boxes, and kept them locked up for 4 days to remind them where to lay.That was weeks ago. Now that they are free ranging again still only one egg every 4+ days.We have looked all over the...
  18. Nashonii

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Thanks DH will do that. Also maybe one around the top.
  19. Nashonii

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Hooligans7: humm, interesting invention. IT got in over the hot electric wire again last night and killed my last 2. It was definitely charged since we tested it yesterday evening. I'm both sad,mad,dispondante & wondering how much I'm going to have to spend in order to secure any furtre silkies. )
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