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  1. TheJadeChicken

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    The swap was great. Lots of chickens, some guineas, some ducks, some goslings, and much more. I went! Bought a Gosling, a Duckling, and 2 chicks. Although 3 more were forced upon me! xD
  2. TheJadeChicken

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Man! I haven't been on this site in a while. Been bummed by the darn dogs killing some of my chickens. Buy I am back. Going to get ready for next year for shows. I have Modern Game Bantams, Japanese Bantams, LF Dark Brahmas, Bantam Cochins, and Royal Palm Turkeys I am going to show. :D
  3. TheJadeChicken

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Forgot to post! My second hatch....I hatched 3 BO chicks and 9 ducks. Forgot I had chick eggs, and set it up for ducks more than chicks. xD
  4. TheJadeChicken

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Woot! Guess who got hatching eggs! I got several different types or chickens and ducks. I have about 8 dozen eggs. Here is what I could have: Chickens Large Fowl and Bantams: Buff Orpingtons Cochins Americaunas Mixed Breeds Ducks: Welsh Harlequins Mallards Runners Cresteds Incubator is...
  5. TheJadeChicken

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    It is nasty out here. A mixture of Freezing Rain and Hail, plus it is COLD!
  6. TheJadeChicken

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    I know. I don't know what I did wrong. I really don't want to try D'Uccles again. I have lost about 7 very different D'Uccles. I miss my little Milly and Little Blue. :(
  7. TheJadeChicken

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    What the heck!? I have tried keeping D'Uccles like 3 or 4 times. Up in a pen off the ground, in a ground pen, etc. I CAN NOT keep a D'Uccle alive for more than a few months. My D'Uccle/Silkie mix is doing great and is even sitting on eggs!
  8. TheJadeChicken

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Okay. My hatching eggs are way over due. I don't think they are going to hatch. Hatch Day was last Sunday, Feb. 3rd. I have given them extra time, way over extra time. Should I just give up on them? Thinking of cracking one open and see. Any thoughts? NEVERMIND! They aren't going to hatch...
  9. TheJadeChicken

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    I know. But I don't mind. They were only $2 each at least. I still like them. I didn't think they looked like bobwhites anyway. Should have went with my instincts.
  10. TheJadeChicken

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Big rant from the swap. Turns out the quails we got are Coturnix, NOT bobwhites. So we have 4 males and 2 females! D:
  11. TheJadeChicken

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Yay! I have a pip in my incubator today! This is the first time on my own without my mother's help.
  12. TheJadeChicken

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Here are some Naked Necks I got from draye. Back in October I think. I absolutely adore them. If I have a pair, I am hoping to get some more. Also thinking of adding some frizzles with them, to get Frizzle naked necks.
  13. TheJadeChicken

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Okay. Thank you. And I have that same article on my Bookmark bar.
  14. TheJadeChicken

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    I know. But it is the only one I have. I am thinking about making my own. And with the turner the eggs stayed at like 103 and higher.
  15. TheJadeChicken

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    No I didn't get the eggs from the seminar. I wasn't able to go. I have the Little Giant Styrofoam Still Air Incubator. I hope so. Reason for not getting to expensive eggs.
  16. TheJadeChicken

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Since January 13th. But the hatch date isn't until tomorrow. But I am not giving up on hatching. Hoping to buy some more hatching eggs at swaps, and from other people. I am hoping to get to turkeys, ducks, and geese. And the possible pheasants, quails, and peacocks. But I am going to watch the...
  17. TheJadeChicken

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    I am thinking my eggs aren't going to hatch. I am kind of devastated. But this is my first time hatching eggs on my own. And the power outage didn't help either. I can say I DISLIKE THE EGG TURNER! It kept the eggs to hot, even with the incubator all the way down. I rather just turn the eggs...
  18. TheJadeChicken

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Yep. They did have a sign on one of the registers.
  19. TheJadeChicken

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Wow. I have 3 so far marked on the calendar. xD One on February 9th at Tractor Supply Co. It starts at 8am. Another is at Bernice Gardens April 13th.
  20. TheJadeChicken

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    The naked neck I got from draye has a pea comb, if has a barred pattern on the feathers on top of her head. Plus a dark/light grey body with a few red markings. My favorite Naked Neck. The black one has a straight comb. I love my naked necks. Hoping to get some more.
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