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  1. chickensnewtome

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Took the babies out into there new pen today for a little outing! They loved it! stretched wings and got to meet the big chickens, thru a wired fence, they dust bathed and ran around. They truly loved it! Got the garden tilled up and most spring plants are planted!
  2. chickensnewtome

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    after a long night and a trip to the vet, we found out that the Rooster pecked my Pekin females eye and she is most likely blind in that eye, but she is on ointment and antibiotics and should be ok. I have never felt so relieved! Also thought I would never fret so much over a duck
  3. chickensnewtome

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    lol I tried it, just not for me! So chicken math has hit my husband! He just went to Clinton and they have Black australorps and Silver Wyandottes, so He calls me and states: Baby I think we can handle some more chickens and baby ducks don't you? Mind you we have 13 chicks in a brooder 10...
  4. chickensnewtome

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    I have this foam incubator I think its a little giant or something. I have tried duck eggs, guinea eggs from a feed store, and shipped bantam eggs. Got a little fertilization and veining on the shipped bantam eggs and then all of a sudden on day 15 they all died!
  5. chickensnewtome

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    I think it would be easier for me to handle if I knew how to incubate! I have tried 3 times and absolutely no success.
  6. chickensnewtome

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Ya I guess so. Well my hens can "decide" at any time to go broody! LOL!
  7. chickensnewtome

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Egg laying has begun here! 5 of my 8 hens are laying every day and out of my three Pekin ducks I get atleast one egg a day from them. Out of the 10 bantams I bought I have 8 remaining, One passed the day we got them and last night one went missing out of the brooder, i looked every where but no...
  8. chickensnewtome

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

  9. chickensnewtome

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    My Pekins are a year old and have only ever layed 4 eggs.
  10. chickensnewtome

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Hey Nayeli, If you are close to Marshall, they have a bunch of silkies in their mixed bantam bin. If you know what you are looking at you might get lucky. So sorry hun! That sux
  11. chickensnewtome

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    I hope she does become broody. None of my full grown are broody yet and they were last years batch.
  12. chickensnewtome

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    all of the ameracaunas are "supposed" to be pulletts
  13. chickensnewtome

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    he/she will be raised with 8 other bantams and 5 Ameracauna chicks. So maybe they wont pick on him/her.
  14. chickensnewtome

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    mine has little black spots on her head. Alot like yours.
  15. chickensnewtome

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    aww! I have never had a silkie. Any raising advice? Are they finicky? What is there personality like? this is a first for me. I am excited but nervous
  16. chickensnewtome

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    yup he does. Never had a silkie before. He is from a full blood hatchery batch from cackle. I am sure he is all silkie. Well that is neat. I am excited.
  17. chickensnewtome

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    this is him/her i think
  18. chickensnewtome

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    I dont have a camera to do that but I will look at some internet picks and see if I can find one that looks like him.
  19. chickensnewtome

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    hubby brought bantam chicks home yesterday, there is one that i just cant figure out what he/she is. It is a little yellow chick with blue furry feet and a blue beak with a little bit of an afro. any ideas?
  20. chickensnewtome

    Arkansas folks speak up.........

    Just got me 5 Ameracaunas but dont know what color they are, and 10 mixed bantams, so excited to see what I got. How can you tell what color the ameracaunas are gonna be at an early age?
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