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  1. sheila3935

    sad day today

    Im sure it was the heat. Ideal said they have never lost that many in one shipment. They were very sorry and offered to refund or replace. I told them refund as I am afraid that would happen again. I blame our postal system more tha Ideal. Yes Ideal shouldnt offer to ship them when the weather...
  2. sheila3935

    sad day today

    Oh by the way. Iforgot to answer where I am. Macon county
  3. sheila3935

    sad day today

    Im sure it was the heat.. and thank you for the offer but I had found her some new chickmates, Brought 5 new home last night so at least she wasnt alone when she went
  4. sheila3935

    sad day today

    Over the last couple of days buffy's been getting weaker put electrolytes in water and last night even got to point of force feeding and watering, but this morning she passed away. I think she was just too weak from the ordeal that took all her chickmates lives. I even went out and found some...
  5. sheila3935

    sad day today

    Thats what I am trying to do right now, but so far no luck. Ideal said they could send me replacements but we are going to have 90 temps for at least the next week so I am afraid that would happen again. Anyone in Illinois have day old for sale? Im willing to travel At this point will pay...
  6. sheila3935

    sad day today

    Does anyone know what else I can do to make my remaining ones life a little easier til I can find her some companions? She seems so lonley. Last night I checked on her before going to bed to make sure brooder was the right temp, and she was lying next to the mirror I put in there looking at...
  7. sheila3935

    sad day today

    Just checked our forcast for next 7 days highs in the 90s all week guess I wont be getting anymore for a while.
  8. sheila3935

    sad day today

    First off I want to thank you for all your support and kindness. Before I read the posts I ran out and got a little stuffed duck (no chickens) and a mirror to put in with her. Good idea I guess from what I read. She seems a little calmer. I will says shes a fighter she is eating and drinking...
  9. sheila3935

    sad day today

    Im sorry, Central Illinois. Guess I just didnt think about that.
  10. sheila3935

    sad day today

    I ordered 10 Chicks from Ideal they came today this is the only one that made it all rest dead This is Buffy my buff orpington If anyone around me has a baby chick or two that I could give her company til I can get some more here let me know
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