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  1. syble

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    so this is the last of the 7 cockerels that hasn't shown any copper yet.. Uploaded with sorry he refused to look up he was one of the original 3 contenders before all this copper crap came out. he is nice and wide in the back and body, and has good substance, his comb could be...
  2. syble

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    I raise blue orps and blue araucanas and have never had issues with longevity or vigor with them? Well nothing other then araucana issues lol. Eye color on all the birds i looked at yesterday is a bright pumpkin orangey red. most if not all started out as some form of green... the one hen is in...
  3. syble

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    sorry need to vent. I've been having a hard time with my marans journey.... i had a hard time tracking down someone to buy just blue (non coppered) hatching eggs from. I want even picky about the color, i just wanted blues/splash. i had lined up eggs in the past winter from 2 different ladies...
  4. syble

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    Thanks for all the replies, very helpful! I hope i get everyone's questions if not, let me know and i'll take the photo or what not requested, thanks again! this is the wrinkle on the splashes comb Uploaded with They are all supposed to be from solid blue, that's why i was...
  5. syble

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    I need some help with blue maran pitfalls. I really need to shave down some roos, I still have 6 or 7 and only 3 hens. they are starting to mature and trying to mount the wee pullets(not marans about 1/3 their size and half their age). They came from helen byers... forgive my spelling. they were...
  6. syble

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    just a few questions about maturing marans. I have some blue and splash juveniles. At what age are the extra roos ready to eat. they have been growing like weeds lately but it seams to be all frame and feathers I want to grow them out to pick the best 2 roos, but they seam to hard on other...
  7. syble

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    Here are a couple of my blue & splash marans. My hens are 2 dark blue feather legged and 1 splash clean legged, and the roos i'm really watching are a dark blue feather legged, a light blue strong feather legged (giant head) and a splash with the best feathering on his shanks and feet (not the...
  8. syble

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    well my young marans have cowed my turkeys into submission with little effort, its not one bully, but the whole breed... i noticed them picking on each other some, i just figured it was because they were roo heavy, are they an aggressive breed?
  9. syble

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    Quote: she has a couple stray blue feathers, and more that are just comming in. but she is very white at this point. i think as she grows and moults she will spot up haha. I like the beefy birds too, i look forward to seeing how they all fill out Thanks Sib
  10. syble

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    I had my guys out for a bit of an evaluation today and decided to snap some photos. They are in the ugly teen phase unfortunately, they've got mostly baby feathers, with the odd bit of fluff here and there. they were hatched april 25th which makes them a bit over 5 weeks... So lots of growing...
  11. syble

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    pullet or cockerel? Uploaded with slash 1 Uploaded with splash 2 they both fall in the inbetween right now. i have some pullets that have combs approaching that size, but the majority of the other cockerels have combs much larger and redder then that? Thanks Sib
  12. syble

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    Quote: It only gets worse ( ie LOUDER)! Thankfully they are all locked away in the barn at night!
  13. syble

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    lol, well i hope i don't have too much of that. they are only a month but their eyes are varying shades of green and brown. although at least 1 if not 2 have started to crow...well they're trying at least but it is pitiful!
  14. syble

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    at what age does eye color change? non of mine have proper eye color but they are young yet. Thanks
  15. syble

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    Quote: I think this got lost in the busyness of the thread! Always so much to catch up on haha. Any thoughts anyone? thanks sib
  16. syble

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    Quote: It is a SCREAMING cockerel. . . .I don't see anything wrong! lol, thats what i was thinking too, i just havent seen them with rounded tips like that? or is that the norm for marans?
  17. syble

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    also what is with this comb? Uploaded with hes the only one in any of my birds to have one like it. the spikes are just rounded over nubins, but the comb itself is bigger then any of the others? Thanks sib
  18. syble

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    a question for breeding consideration (to the standard of course ) when selecting your breeders, how much emphasis would you place on first generation feather leg? I have a trio of feather legged splash and a quad of feather legged blues... there are an additional clean legged pullet (i think)...
  19. syble

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    Quote: #1 hatched from a blue copper marans egg, it was an accident, and deffinately mossy(or atleast as i understand it), may keep her for a layer, but thats about it . Thanks for weighing in, i hope your right, would give me a roo from each colour to choose from. Thanks Sib
  20. syble

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    no comments on my little ones? Sib
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