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  1. snowydiamonds

    Just call me MotherGoose :D!! Day 1 Photos

    They are so helpless! Its a miracle they have survived thru the ages...what do the parents to w/such helpless things? Do they still sit on them? Wouldn't they crush them??? I'm realizing just how far fetched my idea of survival really is, for mine!?! How long do they seem so helpless...
  2. snowydiamonds

    Just call me MotherGoose :D!! Day 1 Photos

    MissP, I'd crack at least a pin hole for air...inexperienced here but everything points to at least 2 days overdue and weak peeps to me would mean HELP...(sorry, I know its nerve racking...) And, can the little ones already hatched be heard by the unhatched ones? I'd think hearing the others...
  3. snowydiamonds

    Just call me MotherGoose :D!! Day 1 Photos

    Have to work at 8pm -3am tonight but will be checking to see if there are any newbie babies:D Mine are sharing the nest and spreading their wings a bit you mind us sharing the goose hatching story side by side?
  4. snowydiamonds

    Just call me MotherGoose :D!! Day 1 Photos

    Do the Embden's have blue eyes? My pair have pulled some feathers or down out of themselves to line their nest while I was gone this last week. Just got back home yesterday so am catching up on this excitement;) (My biggest male weim had a bone stuck in the roof of his mouth, not a dislocated...
  5. snowydiamonds

    Just call me MotherGoose :D!! Day 1 Photos

    I have read Pilgrim geese have trouble with sterility due to the low numbers of breeding pairs and small gene pool so I'm really much more hopeful than I should be:/ This morning I went to feed and water earlier than normally, surprised them so they didn't have time to cover the nest w/straw...
  6. snowydiamonds

    Just call me MotherGoose :D!! Day 1 Photos

    How exciting! My Pilgrim pair are sitting on a clutch of at least four eggs, the gander sits more than the goosie girl. I figure the end of April is the due date...its still cold enough though that if they just hid the first eggs (as they are when they get up to eat) those may have frozen but...
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