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  1. jenn-E

    1 chick staying out of the coop/run at night

    Thanks for the suggestion. My kids bedtime happens right around dusk. I was initially putting the chicks in their run before I put the kids to bed, but I spent a lot of time chasing them down, often needing my husband to help me corner the last couple. I found that if I waited & went out after I...
  2. jenn-E

    1 chick staying out of the coop/run at night

    I have 14 chicks ages 12 - 15 weeks. They have been staying outside in their coop for over a month. They have an enclosed run that I close at night. For the past 2 nights, one of the chicks has not been in the coop when I go to close up after dark. In the morning she is parading around just...
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