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  1. Noymira


    Hopefully everyone is enjoying spring, or the previews we've had so far. I've taken a bit of a break from the forum and chickens in the past few months. We could not find or trap the weasel in our coop (I believe it to be an ermine which I spotted in the yard recently) and lost half our flock...
  2. Noymira


    I've had no eggs for almost a month, don't know if they have quit due to lack of light or if I've got egg eaters- or a combination of both... I saw some egg eating activity earlier this fall so I'm leaning that way a bit... I lost one chicken last night, I think to a mink or other weasel...
  3. Noymira


    Hope summer is going well for everyone, been busy here! Lost one hen mysteriously, either due to heat or flying into the wall, 2 weeks ago. Also lost my rooster, poor Dr. Ruckus, to a fisher the night before last. Left the carcass in a trap last night, something came back, but I didn't...
  4. Noymira


    I hope everyone is enjoying the spring! I've got two broody hens and just discovered lice on some of my birds, so I've got to treat everyone and move the broody hens somewhere a bit more secluded. Anyone ever try using wood ashes to kill lice? I've got some poultry dust, but am nervous...
  5. Noymira


  6. Noymira


    Good luck, I hope you get her to hatch some chicks! I'd love to see pictures of them, they are cool looking birds.
  7. Noymira


    Everyone enjoying this spring weather? My chickens are laying the most I've had yet, got 16 eggs from 18 hens the other day! All I need are some easter eggers to round out my egg basket, not that I need more chickens, but I'd really love some blue/green eggs! Anyone have any broody hens...
  8. Noymira


    Anybody ever have a leghorn go broody? I have 4 little leghorns, the flightiest and most skittish birds I've ever seen, but also the most prolific layers of all my hens. My chickens have found a small space between the box of nests and the wall that is 5 inches wide and a foot deep. Now...
  9. Noymira


    -Keara Thanks Keara- I'll start checking them, with 18 at least one has got to go broody, I hope.... I had a white rock that went broody on me last spring for 8 weeks (but I did not have a rooster) maybe she'll try again this year. I don't have any silkies, have you found your BCM hens to...
  10. Noymira


    Thanks Keara, I'm glad it wasn't Dr. Ruckus as well, it was our Barred Rock. He was even bigger than Ruckus and has some big spurs that were growing as fast as his attitude. I was wondering about hatching out some eggs, but I don't want to incubate or brood, is it too early to start trying...
  11. Noymira


    I had two Roos in with my 18 hens, but one of them (not Dr. Ruckus) was starting to get a little too brave with me, fighting with my alpha roo and my hens were starting to get bare on the back. We took care of the extra roo last Monday, I roasted him yesterday and made chicken salad and stock. I...
  12. Noymira


    Thanks Keara! This is my first winter, so I'm still getting used to the challenges that go with it. I am also more inclined to just let things be and only intercede if I see something serious, so I'll probably take the wait and see approach unless I see a lot more start or the hens are...
  13. Noymira


    I was just coming on to see if anyone else has had frostbite problems yet. We have had some COLD nights here! I think both my roos have frostbite on the top of their combs and by Black Copper seems to be getting some on the wattles as well. None of my hens are experiencing any issues though...
  14. Noymira


    Quote: We use 250lb a week . If you find a good less expensive source...please share. this is who we use for our grain. We still buy by the 50lb bag because we don't have a lot but I see large trucks making deliveries all the time from here. I know they make...
  15. Noymira


    I did hear back from Poulin and Green Mountain Feed, they used to sell feed in 100lb bags, but OSHA and Workman's Comp regulations no longer allow them to make 100lb bags of feed. Gotta love it when gov't decides what's best for us all, those dangerously heavy bags of feed must be stopped! I...
  16. Noymira


    Does anyone know where to get feed locally in quantities larger than 50lb bags? Any local mills I don't know about where you get your feed? I'd love organic, but it's not a priority at twice the price of regular. I'd love to get a larger quantity and save a bit on feed. We have some room...
  17. Noymira


    Latebloomer- I'm feeding grower/finisher crumble to my mixed flock (pullets, hens & roos) with oyster shell on the side. They all like it and I have not had any problems!
  18. Noymira


    Quote: wait a couple weeks and they will be.... True enough they are growing with leaps and bounds I don't think they will be ready by 14 weeks though they are not too meaty yet. Unfortunately that means I will be processing in the winter brrrrr. Normally I wouldn't mind growing them out a...
  19. Noymira


    Anyone have 4-6 young roos or cockerels (over 14 weeks) they need to give away that they wouldn't mind ending up on the table? We've decided we'd like to try our hand at harvesting a few birds for our freezer this year, money is real tight right now and the meat would be a huge help to us...
  20. Noymira


    Quote: Latebloomer, our coop is in the process of being insulated, but we will not be heating it. I think if nothing else, if you have a metal roof, that should be insulated to keep condensation down. Otherwise, from what I've read many keep birds in climates harsher than ours without heat...
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