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  1. new2thischick

    Roosters and Hens Question.. Behavior.

    I do have some noisy birds but I don't think they are doing the song yet.. My rooster does let out a funny squawk, a repetitive sound, for about a minute or so. At first I thought it was a hen but it was him.. Like a cross between a goose honking and a chicken bocking.. Any one know what that...
  2. new2thischick

    Roosters and Hens Question.. Behavior.

    Um.. what is the egg song? I have heard a lot of noises coming from my birds.. but the eggs song.. I don't know.. Here is a pic of our Red (Goldie), Buff Orp/Black Polish Mix Hens (Thing 1, and Mini.. Thing 2 is behind Goldies head) and the Mix Roo (Slick). They are unique and beautiful...
  3. new2thischick

    Roosters and Hens Question.. Behavior.

    So on a side note.. I have been dreaming of my chickens laying eggs.. though they have not yet started.. Could this be a sign of laying soon?? I am so anticipating.. I am currently pregnant and I am craving some eggs.. come on already!!! I have included a pic of our Red (Goldie).. I was taking...
  4. new2thischick

    Roosters and Hens Question.. Behavior.

    My neighbor is eating the one rooster.. We aren't meat eaters in my home.. and the only animal protein we do eat is eggs.. and not of lately.. We are waiting for our hens to start laying.. They are 20-21 weeks old.. fingers crossed it will be soon. Is it true that when the rooster starts...
  5. new2thischick

    Roosters and Hens Question.. Behavior.

    It is Done!! We started with 5 now we have 1.. 3 of the roosters went to a home and 1 ended up dinner.. Which I feel will somehow come back as karma to haunt me.. We now have 4 hens and one roo.. Thanks to all for your advice!
  6. new2thischick

    Roosters and Hens Question.. Behavior.

    We will probably only hatch a few chicks in hopes of some more hens for the eggs.. if we don't get to many more hens we are definitely going to invest in some pure Buff Orpingtons. Thanks for the info.. @bburn.. I thanked the person this morning who gave me that information.. I know of people...
  7. new2thischick

    Roosters and Hens Question.. Behavior.

    Just found out the local feed store takes roosters. Apparently people come in asking for roosters.. Only one of the five will be dinner.. One is going to a good home, where he was created, we are keeping one and the other two going to the feed store.. I love how it all just fell into place. Now...
  8. new2thischick

    Roosters and Hens Question.. Behavior.

    Hey all.. It is the animal lover inside me.. but you are right one rooster I will keep .. I call him Slick because his crest is literally slicked back and he and our Rhode Island Red (Goldie) seem to be really fond of each other. The fact that the hens being mounted to much might stress the...
  9. new2thischick

    Roosters and Hens Question.. Behavior.

    So.. a little bit of info. We are new to raising chickens, my daughters kindergarten class hatched eggs for science. A friend of ours gave her class 9 fertilized eggs and a neighbor gave 3. In June we had 9 chicks come home with us. Eight of which were from the friend, half Buff Orpington, half...
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