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  1. ZykloniaDark-GothikRanchr

    Bottle goat questions, please.....

    unfortunately, here in Florida, it doesn't get cold enough in the winter to kill off all the ickies, so I usually have to worm in the winter. Summer, when it is dry, it's not so bad, but winter, and rainy season is icky wormy heaven!! I have found if I keep mom and baby(S) in kidding pen for a...
  2. ZykloniaDark-GothikRanchr

    Bottle goat questions, please.....

    No, Actually I DO NOT like to medicate my animals if I don't have to!! Mine I ONLY use a wormer...that is just to get rid of the little beasties...Than I am going to switch to the herbal wormer on Fias Co. Farm's page!! I myself don't use OTC meds, and very rarely use prescription meds, so I...
  3. ZykloniaDark-GothikRanchr

    Bottle goat questions, please.....

    Quote: I have read alot on goat care, and I wouldn't just give my goats any old meds. These babies and momma were in bad shape when I got them, I have pretty much nursed them all back to health! Their previous owner did not treat them as I would have {I am trying to be nice} so now I have to...
  4. ZykloniaDark-GothikRanchr

    Bottle goat questions, please.....

    Quote: What is good to give the little ones for cocci ? That is exactly how my little teeny girls stand!! it would make sense, but luckily their poo isn't runny, just a bit clumpy. I live right near TSC so is there something there I can get for them?
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