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  1. greyfields

    Bottle goat questions, please.....

    I believe Mr Helmstead is aware of all this, kscacres. He's not managing his goats exactly how I would, either. But, it's certainly his perogative, don't you agree?
  2. greyfields

    Bottle goat questions, please.....

    I think it really depends on your climate. On coastal Washington where we get 80 inches of rain per year, the parasite cycle is never broken. It's not cold in winter and not hot enough in summer to 'cleanse' the soil. According to my vet, coccidiossis can lay dormant in our soils for...
  3. greyfields

    Bottle goat questions, please.....

    I think any feed store will have a medicated goat feed, because goats are rather susceptible to cocci. If there's blood in the stool, then it's possibel you have Cocci. If the pooh is just runny and squirty, that's probably just from the milk replacer.
  4. greyfields

    Bottle goat questions, please.....

    There is no vaccine for coccidiossis, except one for poultry... which in clinical trials was pretty dubious. But since people who are going organic are allowed to vaccinate, but not medicate, the vaccine was rushed to the market for poultry people. I sure wish their was a vaccine, though...
  5. greyfields

    Bottle goat questions, please.....

    If cocci is in your area, I would treat everyone with Albon (get it from your bet). It's cheap insurance. However, in Texas, I have no idea if it's a problem like it is here in wet Washington. Another good point was brought up, I have to deworm by goats and lambs about 4 times in the first...
  6. greyfields

    Bottle goat questions, please.....

    The only thing I know is use Land 'o Lakes kid milk replacer. Everything else is inferior. Since you're bottle feeding already I'd go 6 weeks minimum on replacer. Every replacer is different, so follow the feeding instructions on them strictly. In addition to the alfalfa pellets, I'd...
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