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  1. Ruarc

    Can you feed chickens uncooked rice?

    My French chickens (Morans...Euro, not Asian) prefer rice. Medium grain brown rice raw. When I cook it somewhat (slightly less water so cooked "firm" with bit of salt and some oyster shell mixed in) they still llike it that way too, but with less enthusiasm. Prefer rice over (organic-non...
  2. Ruarc

    Can you feed chickens uncooked rice?

    You're hysterical
  3. Ruarc

    Can you feed chickens uncooked rice?

    What an incorrect statement. You are so very wrong. BTW my healthy chickens LOVE lots of (uncooked brown) rice. It's a treat they eat greedily from my hands preferring it to corn, wheat, oats and barley (all which are offered routinely). It's how I greet them often - with a treat of rice...
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