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  1. Robert McGaughey

    *****HELP HELP******Whats up with this chicken ?????????

    It's all good, was just up-set and re-acted badly, and I'm old anough to know better. It's me that owes you the "sorry". I'm 43 and this is my first flock, oh we had chickens when I was growing up till I was 18 but all I did was feed & water em'. So I'm pretty new to all this, I know it's learn...
  2. Robert McGaughey

    *****HELP HELP******Whats up with this chicken ?????????

    Thanks everyone, I'm going to treat the flock can't be loosing anymore of these gals, really attached to now.
  3. Robert McGaughey

    *****HELP HELP******Whats up with this chicken ?????????

    yes she did loose weight alot lighter than the other pullets droppings are runnier than normal. Any clues. I'd take her to a vet to see if they could figure it out but i'm a poor country boy and can't afford that at all. I've already buried her anyway. Quote:
  4. Robert McGaughey

    *****HELP HELP******Whats up with this chicken ?????????

    she just didn't show interest in food and water, but she's dead now, but would still like to know what was going on incase others start acting the same way. Quote:
  5. Robert McGaughey

    *****HELP HELP******Whats up with this chicken ?????????

    All the rest are just as dark as her other than the roo he's a little lighter but not much. Quote:
  6. Robert McGaughey

    *****HELP HELP******Whats up with this chicken ?????????

    Well it's nice to see you took this seriously, I do know the difference between sleeping and something being sick. That said, checked her this morning and she's dead . Well the only other thing I can add is that she wasn't eating or drinking or atleast thats what saw, didn't seem interested...
  7. Robert McGaughey

    *****HELP HELP******Whats up with this chicken ?????????

    I went out to the coop about 10 minutes ago and found this RIR acting strange, I took it out of coop and have it in the basement. Anyway, it wasn't acting like the others, and wasn't moving around at all. It just stands there all fluffed out with its head down and didn't even put up any kinda...
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