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  1. HEChicken

    Heartland Hatchery :(

    I hope I didn't sound argumentative - I didn't mean to - I really was just interested to know what you meant. For the record, I really kind of agree with you. I don't handle mine with kid gloves either and they seem to do just fine. In the past couple of months I've hatched two small batches...
  2. HEChicken

    Heartland Hatchery :(

    I'm not sure what you mean by he breeds them naturally? I can think of a couple of possibilities: 1. You mean he lets the roosters mate with the hens rather than performing Artificial Insemination. If that was what you meant, I can't think that would make any difference in the health of the...
  3. HEChicken

    Heartland Hatchery :(

    Well this is weird. Having never heard of Heartland Hatchery, even though it sounds like they are in my general vicinity, I googled them and came to this page: where it says CitySearch heard the hatchery...
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