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  1. Jungleexplorer


    Yes! Winter eggs from my Doms, Cubas, Games, EEs, RRs SLWs and JGs. Just waiting for my Marans.
  2. Jungleexplorer


    YAY! Got my first JG egg today. My JGs are 23 weeks old.
  3. Jungleexplorer


    No. The rooster just scratched the earmuffs off. The rooster decided to roost outside my dad's bedroom window and my dad did not care much for roosters crowing at night. He ended up being soup. My dad did try though. He made a little hood so he could not see light. That did not work. He...
  4. Jungleexplorer


    Don't wash them! Just incubate them the way they are. I am sorry to see this. I wish everybody would adopt my wrapping system. I shipped over a 1000 eggs this spring and not one was broke. What breed of wheaten did you order?
  5. Jungleexplorer


    The idea that roosters crow because of light or the sun coming up is a myth. They crow because of their massive ego! LOL! They will crow at anything that dares makes a sound at night. If the dog barks, they will crow. If sparrow chirps, they will crow. Basically, they see everything that...
  6. Jungleexplorer


    There are more breeds of chicken then you can imagine and many of them will do what you want. Your real choice will be what you want your birds to look like and what color of eggs you want them to lay. Yes you do have a choice on egg color. Here is a great chart that will give you all the...
  7. Jungleexplorer


    Do you have a light on them at night? All of my hens stopped laying in Sep. Put a light on them 2 weeks ago and I am up to a dozen or more a day now. Even my 3 yr old AA/Game mix started laying two days ago.
  8. Jungleexplorer


    years ago my brother invited me over for some "Killer fish soup" as he put it. He has a degree from Cordon Bleu. Got over there and after the first bowl he doubled over in extreme pain. I was sure his appendix had burst. I rushed him to the hospital. It was a kidney stone that cause his kideny...
  9. Jungleexplorer


    I am a soup nut. I grew up in Mexico where this soup was common. The recipes is my wife and I don't know it. She puts her own spin on things. My favorite soup in the world though, is Fish soup the way I learned to make it while living with the Aztecs. I know that to most Texans it is almost a...
  10. Jungleexplorer


    Bought some ducklings from TSC a couple of years ago. Thought I would raise them and teach them to go swim in my stock tank and roost in the chicken coop. I put a wash tub in the ground for them to swim in. Most of them drowned in that tub. I don't know what kind of ducks they were, but eat and...
  11. Jungleexplorer


    5 or 6 inches.
  12. Jungleexplorer


    Don't you wish you were eating lunch at our house? My wife makes a supreme Caldo de Hueco to Puerco! (Pork bone soup).
  13. Jungleexplorer


    Found a Spiny Lizard in my bathroom sink this weekend.
  14. Jungleexplorer


    Weighed my JS roo today. He is 5 1/2 months old and weighs, 8 pounds! Here is a smarphone pic of him on the scale. He is so huge!
  15. Jungleexplorer


    I have quite a few on my place. Shhhsss! Don't tell anyone. Two things are killing them off, fire ants and ant poison. I am very careful with poison on my place and protect my miniature triceratops. LOL!
  16. Jungleexplorer


    Hey, if you have time, head over to Port Aransas early in the morning and buy some fresh shrimp from the Pollyanna. She docks at the city park harbor and she sells right off the ship. She only fishes for deep water shrimp over 300 feet deep. They are like no other shrimp you have ever tasted...
  17. Jungleexplorer


    The word dinosaur comes from the greek and means "Terrible Lizard". The word terrible in this case is used more in sense of fearfully great. But as to where the dinosaurs went, they did not go anywhere. They are still here. Sure, just like many other types animals, some varieties are no...
  18. Jungleexplorer


    Did you know? Did you know that reptiles have and indeterminate growth rate. What this means is that reptiles have no limit to how big they can grow. They can grow throughout their life span. Their growth rate is only limited by three things, climate conditions, food availability and...
  19. Jungleexplorer


    Hey. Since most of y'all are around Houston, can you tell me if there are any Brazilian import stores in Houston?
  20. Jungleexplorer


    Thank you. I have considered it and have had hundreds of people over the year encourage me to do so. Maybe one day.
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