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  1. Happy Henhouse

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    My broody just hatched out 4 of citygirlinthecountry ' ameraucana eggs and I have to agree. They are adorable! I have 3 blues and a splash that is just the sweetest thing ever!
  2. Happy Henhouse

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    That sounds good Raven but let me see if I can find someone closer
  3. Happy Henhouse

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Hi everybody! I haven't been on much lately. Hope everyone is doing well. I have 2 broodies I'd like to get some eggs for. Preferably about 5 of each from a dark chocolate layer ( maran?) & a true ameraucana. If anyone has something like this available please message me with price. Murfreesboro...
  4. Happy Henhouse

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I'm so glad you got your frizzle! I have one of her frizzle Cochins and just recently added a polish frizzle and Sumatra chicks. Still a little early to tell but my polish frizzle really looks like a pullet. The Sumatra is a little younger so I think she'll be a pullet too but it may just be...
  5. Happy Henhouse

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Anyone have hatching eggs for sale? I'm particularly looking for lavender orps and swedish flower hen eggs. Anyone?
  6. Happy Henhouse

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I have a frizzle and a MF D'uccle from msmeower and I love them both. Mimi my MF is currently coparenting chicks from eggs I got through the mail with my Silkie Susu. They have 2 seramas, a rhodebar pullet, and 7 bantam orps & Wyandottes (all chocolate except one black orp). They are such a...
  7. Happy Henhouse

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Oh no, hope he gets there soon! Let me know what you have later. Thanks.
  8. Happy Henhouse

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Donna- Do you have any ameraucana chicks available? I need a chick mate for my only chick that doesn't have a broody hen over her. She's about 4 wks old. I was told she was a bantam but if so she's a big one! I'm looking for a couple of very sweet LF chicks around 3-4 wks that can blend...
  9. Happy Henhouse

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    He is so sweet! I just love Cochins they are such friendly chickens.
  10. Happy Henhouse

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Anyone have any bantam ameraucanas? I'm looking for a couple of pullets for my little roo but would consider chicks or hatching eggs too if that's all that's available. PM me if you have any please. Also may be interested in bantam EEs or OEs if available. Thanks.
  11. Happy Henhouse

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I have a broody expecting Wednesday. She's sitting on one Crele OEGB and I think 5 Serama eggs. I'm worried about the OEGB it already pipped when she was off the nest. I don't think she's left her eggs since but worried that little peep will have trouble hatching.
  12. Happy Henhouse

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Thanks everyone for the snake info. On reexamination, it looks like this was just a big old scary but nonpoisonois snake. I think I was so upset about the situation that it looked more viporish? than it really was. I think my poor little roo who died shortly after I posted about the incident...
  13. Happy Henhouse

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I agree with Peach. You can but you have to have docile breeds and watch them to make sure no one's getting pecked or trampled. The closer they are in size the better. That's really more important than age I think.
  14. Happy Henhouse

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Either move them to another place or if the areas big enough it's probably best for now just to leave them and put a little food and water in there with them. They'll want more room soon but there's no rush as long as they have food. Mom can eat and drink the same you give the chicks. She...
  15. Happy Henhouse

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    We aren't positive but it had the triangular head of a viper and it was a large heavy bodied snake. My coop is a converted garden shed so they're locked up at night ( hardware cloth over windows for ventilation) but there are two doors. One in the main coop area and a small one in the...
  16. Happy Henhouse

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Your hen will probably do most of the work for you. My silkie is doing a great job and this is her first batch of eggs. You may want to give mom and babies a separate place from the rest of your flock while they're this small. I like adding vits or the electrolyte packs to water for brand new...
  17. Happy Henhouse

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Thank you. My poor little roo just passed. I think it was for the best he wasn't able to even eat or drink by himself. I had gotten him dried out and brought him in to recuperate but I think it was just too much for him.
  18. Happy Henhouse

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    A snake got in our coop yesterday. My husband killed it but it got one of our sebright chicks. Momma silkie was able to hide the rest by standing like a statue outside in the pouring rain with 4 little chicks under her. It was amazing. I couldn't see any chicks until she saw me & relaxed and...
  19. Happy Henhouse

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I can't imagine how difficult it must be to see your child suffering with an illness. I'm so glad she is doing well with her new medicine. Chicken therapy rocks!
  20. Happy Henhouse

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Good luck with your tractor. Some people don't care how much trouble they cause. Legal fees wouldn't be enough, seems like she should also pay for any lost income this may have caused. I might have to check out dog days if its not too far.
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