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  1. JennaLynn122

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Looking for a golden laced wyandotte rooster and a rir rooster. Located in Manchester, can't travel more than about an hr.
  2. JennaLynn122

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    My rooster is ugly! Im 99% sure he is molting. He has no long saddles,He has 1 long tail feather left, all the others are little nubs with tiny green pieces sticking out.and a few other small ugly splotches. I've never seen him molt this bad before. Poor guy went from prince charming to the ugly...
  3. JennaLynn122

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I'm back! I have been gone for a while. We have had tragedy after tragedy here. Lost 10 chickens to some diseaseor something that we couldn't figure out. But when we had the flock tested during and after nothing came out positive. I keep wintering if they got into some plantbor something that is...
  4. JennaLynn122

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Not sure if I will be getting anymore for right now. I might see what kind of damage these 2 do since i dont have a ton of land. But definitely let me know when they are ready and I'll decide then! But by all means dont hold any for me since I'm not sure lol
  5. JennaLynn122

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    @DMRippy i finally stopped losing keets. Still dont know what caused it. Nothing apparent. Good food, clean water, no other birds or animals around them. Idk what the deal was. The only thing I can guess was something genetic or from the farm they came from. But I wanted to give you an update...
  6. JennaLynn122

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Anyone near me (Coffee County) have day olds or close to it that they are keeping? I have a chick that hatched and i have a feeling it might be the only one to hatch. I hope not but if so I would really like it to go to someone that has friends for her.
  7. JennaLynn122

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Just a reminder: Don't for get to add yourself to the map. Hopefully this will help us locate breeders closer to us in addition to the breeders list. Also feel free to put the map link on the breeders list for locations or add it to your signature...
  8. JennaLynn122

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I don't even thing they are really ugly when they are grown. Freaking adorable when they are little tho. This is "Hooty" sleeping under my leg by my foot.
  9. JennaLynn122

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I think guineas are awesome looking, wierd but awesome
  10. JennaLynn122

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    @DMRippy I had a question about incubating guinea keets. What do you keep humidity at during lockdown?
  11. JennaLynn122

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I would get the Nankin's but I can't have anymore roos
  12. JennaLynn122

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    single comb. I will edit that when I actually get to my computer. They aren't ready to sell yet though. I only have a pair.... Should probably add that too lol
  13. JennaLynn122

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I got the idea from the Georgia thread.
  14. JennaLynn122

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Not sure if we have one of these yet but I think it's a good idea. Especially for those of us who sell birds.
  15. JennaLynn122

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    That sounds like a better explanation.
  16. JennaLynn122

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Say I got birds from you. I ould say that my birds are from you derived from Ferguson lines. Or something of that sort. I think it would take at least a few generations to make them your own line. But you are right, they are no longer his when they leave his farm just derived from.
  17. JennaLynn122

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I was so ecited and sure I had a cockerel but I think he should be getting pointed feathers and some iridescent tail feathers. it has a really long curved tail compared to the others, not quite up and curved like a roo though. *Facepalm*
  18. JennaLynn122

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Anyone happen to have an unwanted RIR cockerel/ rooster that they want to trade for a pullet? As my luck would have it, when I actually want a cockerel, I get all pullets.
  19. JennaLynn122

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I finally got (my 6 yr old sons) Nankins! So excites to start breeding them to standard. These are my first bantams and are the only known natural bantam. They are also on the critical list so we are going to try to contribute to breeding them back up and into the standard. I believe my trio are...
  20. JennaLynn122

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I've actually heard of her. Thank you oh okay. I put marbles in mine for everything. I've always been afraid they would drown.
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