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  1. jc12551

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I encourage my hens to go broody! I mark the eggs they are sitting on so in case another hen decides to lay an egg in there. I used to leave my broody hens in the regular coop. But as my numbers have increased I put broody hens in special broody pens. Helps decrease the number of chicks my...
  2. jc12551

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I have never tried to break a broody. If you want to break her I would leave her crate where she can see the other chickens and be seen by them. That will help her transition back to the flock be smoother. Where are you located? Somebody might be able to provide you with some fertile eggs.
  3. jc12551

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I hatch and sell black sex link and true cinnamon queens. I have people who call or email and want a male and a female CQ for breeding more CQs. I have to go through the entire hybrid sex-link lesson.
  4. jc12551

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    We had four mutt bantam chicks hatch on Saturday! I was not expecting anything to hatch from this hen. They are all cochin and sikie mixed (two pure cochin hens, a silkie mixed hen with two cochin roos and two cochin x silkie roos). Only one has black skin, two have straight combs, two have...
  5. jc12551

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    The ticks are soooooooooooooooooo bad here this week. My chickens were going crazy behind the neighbor's house so I went over there and I couldn't even count the ticks on the grass and bushes. Then I took some visiting middle school students out for a lesson on poisonous plants and we all came...
  6. jc12551

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Thank you all. We ended up losing one Silkie juvenile, one red sex link chick, one cinnamon queen chick, and all three broodies abandoned their nests (20 eggs between the three). My poor son, who is 12, got up this morning late and said, "Man, Duke will be mad I didn't feed him yet." Then...
  7. jc12551

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    ugh! Lightning hit a tree behind our house this afternoon. The kids were in the room closest to the tree and were temporarily blinded and deafened, the thunder clap deafened me too and my good ear still hurts (I am partially deaf in the other one). I got zapped in the living room setting near...
  8. jc12551

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    My Cackle Hatchery order arrived today! I got: 2 bourbon red turkey poults 1 NH cockeral 11 Appenzeller Spitzhaubens-straight run 6 EE pullets (one is a white colored chick and all the white colored chicks I have ever had turn into roosters!) 18 assorted Cochin Bantams I am letting them...
  9. jc12551

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I think I had 10 snakes in a month last year. That doesn't count rattle snakes. A snake problem is easier to fix than an egg eater imho
  10. jc12551

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    It is early for this here but what about snakes? Last year I went down to one or two eggs a day in a pen of 19. The only way I would get an egg was if I heard the egg song and snatched it then. One day I was cleaning the coop and under the litter (deep litter) I found the longest, fattest...
  11. jc12551

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I am from Roane county, but live out in the middle of nowhere in middle west TN now. The people are poor and in general don't care about where their food comes from or how. When you can get eggs for $1.88 in the store or free with food stamps or WIC it is a hard sell to move them at $2.50...
  12. jc12551

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    They are a delightful breed of truly ornamental bantams! If you handle them a lot they get very friendly. I have been told they are super broody I currently have two in the brooder. I have only had one previously and it was a porcelain. These two are mille fleur and I hoping for a pair even...
  13. jc12551

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I am originally from E. TN. I lived most of my life in NC before moving back to TN in 2010.
  14. jc12551

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Who am I shooting? My neighbors? They are the ones threatening to bb my birds if they don't stay out of their yard.
  15. jc12551

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I want guineas so bad! But I have neighbor problems as it is. I am having to build runs for most of my free range flock before my neighbor (who technically lives in MY side yard) starts picking them off with a gun (but they are gun haters so I don't think that is going to happen). I hate it...
  16. jc12551

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I had to run by TSC on Monday to pick up a waterer and a feeder. I accidentally bought 4 golden sebright and 2 mille fleur d'uccle chicks. I mean, they were so lonely in that bin so I just had to take them home. Easy to sneak in with the other boxes of LF I picked up earlier. I wonder if...
  17. jc12551

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I am proud to say that I have finally counted by chickens (as per DH's request)! 22 red sex-links that I sell eggs from 16 Assorted LF 1 Turkey 9 Cochin or Cochin x silkie cross bantams 13 Silkies In the brooder: 24 LF chicks (really??? I have that many in there??) Ordered: 15 cochin...
  18. jc12551

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    My Indo students were at my house one day and I was showing them my Silkies and telling them about how some people actually eat the partially incubated eggs. So they told me about a black Indonesian chicken that some think has mystical powers. I guess it was the Ayam Cemani They said the name...
  19. jc12551

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Seriously! I was outside at 1:30 this morning and there was a flurry! The Anatolian was barking her head off and I figured some boys had snuck out of the dorm again (I live/work at a boarding school). So I trotted outside with my trusty spotlight and promptly trotted back inside for a bigger...
  20. jc12551

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Thanks for the additional breed ideas. I haven't called him yet. I don't have a 'bator (gasp! I know).
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