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  1. nchls school

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Call and muscovy ducklings too. PM should you be interested. Eggs are hatching really good this year.
  2. nchls school

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Should anyone be interested I just had a few Eastern Wild Turkey poults hatch.
  3. nchls school

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Anyone out there have peafowl? Looking for hatching eggs or peachicks. I have two peahens but no peacock. One hen is showing signs of broodiness so I'd like to get her some fertile eggs that don't need to be shipped.
  4. nchls school

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    They are way cute. Money is short or I would make an offer.
  5. nchls school

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I wish I could make an offer; just no room for geese. I especially like the Chinese-such graceful birds in the water. If I got geese my wife would have a fit-too much goose grease.
  6. nchls school

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I wish people would post more on this thread. It would be nice to talk with our neighbors. I just came in from the great outdoors and what a mess! Everything is wet and knee deep in mud. Poor critters! I've released our goat doe with her kids to wander the backyard. The goat pen is so bad the...
  7. nchls school

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    And still looking...
  8. nchls school

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Yes, I do. Should anyone in middle TN be interested, I have serama hatching eggs to sell or trade/swap.
  9. nchls school

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Anyone near Lexington, TN that has Standard Bronze Turkeys? I'm looking for a dozen hatching eggs. I have Midget White and would be willing to swap eggs, or just buy. I also have muscovys, call ducks- phoenix, d'Uccle, cochin and serama bantams. I'm also looking for someone that has fancy...
  10. nchls school

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Yes, I've had a years hatch lay in the Fall and hatch in December; just never an old hen. I guess you must be right-they lay when they get the urge.
  11. nchls school

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    A crazy year! And in this awful heat; the turkeys just lay in the shade and pant. I do wonder if she'll lay the full clutch or if it's just a fluke she has laid the three eggs and will soon stop.
  12. nchls school

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Good Morning Everyone, One of my free range hen turkeys has just started to lay again. I have never had a turkey lay in August and hatch in September. Anyone elses' turkeys laying eggs?
  13. nchls school

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Yes, they certainly are. They are my shadows; everywhere I go they do too; if allowed.
  14. nchls school

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I wish I could have caught the snake that was raiding our nests. No such luck. We bought snake repellent and it seems to be working. Some of our Wigglebottoms.
  15. nchls school

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Hi There from Scotts Hill, I'm a Wisconsin transplant. The proud owner of serama, phoenix, and Yokohama bantams, midget white and royal palm turkeys, a flock of homing pigeons, call ducks, and a passel of little dogs...Oh yeah...and a wife. We rather own each other.
  16. nchls school

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Hello from Scotts Hill. Changing your location on this site is fairly easy. Click on your account where your handle is shown above. Delete your past location and type in the new location. Then click on "save".
  17. nchls school

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Hello from Scotts Hill.
  18. nchls school

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I have a bunch of half grown crossbreed chicks I'd like to seen gone; 15 or so. All have a high percentage of long tailed breed in them. Most should be medium size and some more bantam size. Anyone interested-make a good kid's project? The picture below is the dad.
  19. nchls school

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    20 minutes south and a bit east of Lexington. Yes, it is a pretty day. And where is Concord??
  20. nchls school

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Hello from Scotts Hill.
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