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  1. Happy Chooks

    I want pictures!! Newegg here!! Updated Chick #s p3

    We lost the Red sex link to a hawk and the Buff Orp passed last December, but the rest are now 2 years old. Here's the RIR when she began laying: The BR close to laying: And now, 2 years old: The EE: The light brahma: The buttercup: Most recent picture of the buttercup, not exactly...
  2. Happy Chooks

    I want pictures!! Newegg here!! Updated Chick #s p3

    Welcome to the chicken addiction...... I have some of the breeds you listed, so here's their chick picture. In this picture, top left Barred Rock, top right Sicilian Buttercup, middle Buff Orpington, bottom left by the waterer Easter Egger (sold as Americauna), next to the right Red Sex...
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