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  1. NevadaRon

    New to chickens...UPDATE!!! PIC HEAVY

    Quote: I was wondering what you were going to do with those triangle shaped areas in winter. Looks to me like you have more than enough. It looks like there is ventilation between the roof rafters, too. If so, that should be sufficient for winter. If not, you need to make some provision for...
  2. NevadaRon

    New to chickens...UPDATE!!! PIC HEAVY

    You're not taking chicken math into account - you may get more! Seriously though, I really like your coop. The full side door is an excellent upgrade! You could make the roost by attaching a couple of 18" 2x4s at a 90° angle to your wall studs then mount the roost on top of that. Chickens...
  3. NevadaRon

    New to chickens...UPDATE!!! PIC HEAVY

    Quote: Link? Sure... you can find it here. Click on the pictures for the PDF file.
  4. NevadaRon

    New to chickens...UPDATE!!! PIC HEAVY

    I had to get a bunch of teenagers (eight!) from church to help me move mine. I would never have been able to do it otherwise.
  5. NevadaRon

    New to chickens...UPDATE!!! PIC HEAVY

    Quote: What do you mean by precast concrete piers? Just set it on top of the concrete? Wouldn't that make it prone to getting blown over? The next time I move it will hopefully be closer to you... I am looking to move somewhere around where you are...My wife's family is all in Terre Haute...
  6. NevadaRon

    New to chickens...UPDATE!!! PIC HEAVY

    That's an awesome start! Very impressive for someone with no building experience. I think you're going to have a fine coop!
  7. NevadaRon

    New to chickens...UPDATE!!! PIC HEAVY

    Quote: Sounds like a winner! Quote: I didn't do any notching of the roof rafters. One reason I didn't (besides it being easier ) is that it left gaps which became my venting. I just cut out small pieces of wire mesh screen and stapled them in the gaps. Quote: Your circular saw will...
  8. NevadaRon

    New to chickens...UPDATE!!! PIC HEAVY

    Quote: You can find it here. ETA: Click on the pictures for the PDF file.
  9. NevadaRon

    New to chickens...UPDATE!!! PIC HEAVY

    Hi poppywhite1 and Nothing will stop them from flying over the fence unless you clip the wing feathers on one side. I don't know about where you live but here (N NV) we have flying predators - owls, hawks and even eagles - to contend with so my run is totally enclosed. Thus the chickens can't...
  10. NevadaRon

    New to chickens...UPDATE!!! PIC HEAVY

    ddmiddle7 one thing I noticed in your design is the nest boxes are on the side that the roof slopes down to. If it is raining when you go to collect eggs, water will be running off right into your face. Something to think about... Congrats on getting the free wood! You could use nails, for me...
  11. NevadaRon

    New to chickens...UPDATE!!! PIC HEAVY

    ddmiddle7 two nest boxes will be plenty. They will share - they may even all use the same one. Here's a great plan from the Purina website - I built one like this (though I doubled the size since I had 10 chicks). You can see the nest boxes on the outside. I attached them by screwing into...
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