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  1. JustClucky

    Golden Laced Wyandotte-Updated pics-

    Quote: I'm in trouble. lol That describes this little peeper to a T.
  2. JustClucky

    Golden Laced Wyandotte-Updated pics-

    Mine, too! If these ARE roos, I do have someone who needs them and I think I'm going to replace them with GLW's, too. I just love them!
  3. JustClucky

    Golden Laced Wyandotte-Updated pics-

    Well, one of them has decided that I'm absolutely the bee's knees. He/she/it comes running to me when I pass by and if my hand dangles into the bin while I'm talking to them, it hops up, walks up my arm and tries to nestle into my dang hair! It's VERY forward and it's also the one that I get...
  4. JustClucky

    Golden Laced Wyandotte-Updated pics-

    Lol. Thanks for the smile! I know you're right. I'll wonder until an egg comes flying out or it crows.
  5. JustClucky

    Golden Laced Wyandotte-Updated pics-

    Uzuri, that's a great idea! Since you all have fresh eyes, tell me if I'm crazy or not... Are the wattles turning pink on me? I know this looks exactly like the first wattles pic I posted but in this one, you can see it even when it's not zoomed in on him...OR HER! Lol. I'll stop...
  6. JustClucky

    Golden Laced Wyandotte-Updated pics-

    My eyes may be playing tricks on me but there sure seems to be more of a pink hue to them this morning... Dang. Can they turn that fast? I'll get a pic of their legs later on if they'll let me. They're way too comfy and docile around me for standing. lol They like to sit and sleep on me...
  7. JustClucky

    Golden Laced Wyandotte-Updated pics-

    Awww, heck, no! I'm calling them both 'she' until they crow! LOL Thanks for all the help and advice and encouragement! It means a lot! X
  8. JustClucky

    Golden Laced Wyandotte-Updated pics-

    Oh, dangit! I just posted a new thread but I meant to post a reply here. Duh. I just posted about the little wattles that sprouted on chick #2 so I guess I may have 2 roos on my hands. I totally expect for the other chick to sprout them, too. This chick has always been about a day...
  9. JustClucky

    Golden Laced Wyandotte-Updated pics-

    I spent a lot of time with them this morning trying to figure them out but they're identical. Same wing feathers, same tail feathers, same size, same legs, same everything... I can't help but think they're either both Roos or both pullets....
  10. JustClucky

    Golden Laced Wyandotte-Updated pics-

    Quote: Aw, maaaan... Just so I know, what is the difference so I can figure it out in the future?
  11. JustClucky

    Golden Laced Wyandotte-Updated pics-

    I forgot to ask if they are Roos, would they have the lacing on the wings like their new little feathers have?
  12. JustClucky

    Golden Laced Wyandotte-Updated pics-

    They're probably too young since their combs are non-existent. lol Chick 1 Chick 2
  13. JustClucky

    Golden Laced Wyandotte-Updated pics-

    Well, they're a little older now. Any help yet or still too young? Thanks!
  14. JustClucky

    Golden Laced Wyandotte-Updated pics-

    I'm told that they're 4 days old. Too late? ETA: I'll update when they're older and I have something to go on.
  15. JustClucky

    Golden Laced Wyandotte-Updated pics-

    I wish I knew enough about chickens to figure out how to tell. Lol. Wing feathers have something to do with it then?
  16. JustClucky

    Golden Laced Wyandotte-Updated pics-

    I'll be on the look out. And thank you! They're precious!
  17. JustClucky

    Golden Laced Wyandotte-Updated pics-

    OK, thanks! First, this pic because it's just so darn cute: I have no idea how to tell the difference. This is the one I get the pullet-vibe from. This is the one I get the dude-vibe from. lol Of course, this is based on my ultra-scientific method of 'vibes' and 'cause that one...
  18. JustClucky

    Golden Laced Wyandotte-Updated pics-

    I'm new so I can't post pics yet but I was wondering how early you could tell if you've got a roo on your hands? We got 2 newbies last night. One's fluff is brighter than the other's and its face has more color but I have no idea if that means anything. lol I just get the 'I'm a dude' vibe...
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