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  1. MeowCluckBark

    Chickens carry tons of diseases... (CPS alert!)

    So the case was found to be unsubstantiated. They showed up this morning and were very sweet today. They apologized for the whole thing. They didn't understand the problem in the first place. They said my house is very clean and it looks as though I'm doing very well with my daughter. They...
  2. MeowCluckBark

    Chickens carry tons of diseases... (CPS alert!)

    I also wanted to say that I love my chicken peeps and you guys helped so much get through this. I am working on putting together a tri-fold pamphlet that will give the basics of backyard chickens in it. I guess I haven't been the only person who has had trouble here. My daughter's counselor...
  3. MeowCluckBark

    Chickens carry tons of diseases... (CPS alert!)

    Quote: People on the Autism spectrum = Aspergers and other issue like PDD NOS, etc..are far from rare. It is also highly genetic. I married an odd man and realized over the years something wasn't quite right..3 out of 4 of our kids have been diagnosed with Autism related issues, including one...
  4. MeowCluckBark

    Chickens carry tons of diseases... (CPS alert!)

    Haven't heard from anyone. It's been over a week. I think I scared them off.
  5. MeowCluckBark

    Chickens carry tons of diseases... (CPS alert!)

    Quote: Now this is 2 asbergers in the same thread. Now 16 yr old grandson has asbergers and for some reason I thought it was rare. guess not.... if anyone pulled my grandson out of class, it would upset him greatly and have a big impact on what he could absorb during the rest of the...
  6. MeowCluckBark

    Chickens carry tons of diseases... (CPS alert!)

    Quote: Yeah, my daughter is nearly 10 years old. We both figure the best thing we can do with ANY animal is wash our hands. Don't let them put anything in your mouth. No paws, no well meant beaks to the tongue... LOL nothing. I know that sounds weird but we all have pets that think our mouth...
  7. MeowCluckBark

    Chickens carry tons of diseases... (CPS alert!)

    Quote: LOL yes. The only thing I saw her do that was remotely vengeaful was peck her sister in the butt to make her get up from her nap. It was actually quite funny. That song has been stuck in my head though.
  8. MeowCluckBark

    Chickens carry tons of diseases... (CPS alert!)

    Quote: Yes, and now that Daisy is gone she is back to her old antics chasing her sisters around the yard looking for worms. They are much more timid now. They keep close to the coop and to me. I'm sure they will build up a bit more courage soon. I find it funny the 3 jersey girls follow the...
  9. MeowCluckBark

    Chickens carry tons of diseases... (CPS alert!)

    Ok, on my way out the door on Thursday one of the workers that interviewed my child at school showed up at my door. I was literally throwing on my flip flops and grabbing my purse when my daughter said she pulled up to our house (and parked in the no parking zone of course.) I say hello and...
  10. MeowCluckBark

    Chickens carry tons of diseases... (CPS alert!)

    LOL I know she would be in heaven if she could chase rodents and chickens all day. Or school buses. You know those pesky school buses. I had a dialogue with cps on thursday but I've been too tired from all the wind down of stress to post it up. I am going to try to update y'all with it cause I...
  11. MeowCluckBark

    Chickens carry tons of diseases... (CPS alert!)

    Sunny came home! I have no idea where she hid out, but this morning I went out to find a tool I left and I found her sitting under the coop. She was ok! Daisy still went to the shelter today though. I just don't think I have it in me to train her to not chase chickens.
  12. MeowCluckBark

    Chickens carry tons of diseases... (CPS alert!)

    Very much so. Life goes on, and I see that after I grieved the loss of that 'normal' child I never had, I was able to see that I have this totally unique amazing child. All her quirks and oddities, all of that adds up to a wonderful package and unique human being. She's so compassionate for...
  13. MeowCluckBark

    Chickens carry tons of diseases... (CPS alert!)

    Well I still plan on going on to work in clinical psychology helping families with children that have special needs. My goal is to help families bridge the gap to understand their children. It's hard to relate to a child that is 'different' if you weren't or aren't yourself. You want to see your...
  14. MeowCluckBark

    Chickens carry tons of diseases... (CPS alert!)

    That was why the Supreme Court ruled it unconstitutional for them to go interview tihout a warrant, court order, or parental consent. It removes their ability to decide for themselves based on probably cause. It was decided that they need that check and balance by having parental consent or...
  15. MeowCluckBark

    Chickens carry tons of diseases... (CPS alert!)

    I will ask her to get my the links for the case files and point out where to look. I don't 100% know how to read case documents. She's taken courses in legal research and legal writing already on her way to law school. She's pre-law. We are both having a pre-pre-midlife crisis I guess. She's 43...
  16. MeowCluckBark

    Chickens carry tons of diseases... (CPS alert!)

    Oh, it's not heresay or anything. She actually showed me the case documentation. It's fairly new that it was enforced in this way. Some parents in Oregon about 6 years ago were wrongfully accused of abusing their daughter. The specific accusation was that the child was physically abused by her...
  17. MeowCluckBark

    Chickens carry tons of diseases... (CPS alert!)

    All 50 states. Supreme Court in Washington D.C.
  18. MeowCluckBark

    Chickens carry tons of diseases... (CPS alert!)

    Quote: Why yes! Something did happen. I found out that my lawyer friend is a crappy lawyer. She probably makes great contracts and legal documents though. Would make an amazing paralegal.... My best friend however, She is awesome and will make a great lawyer when she graduates. She got a lot...
  19. MeowCluckBark

    Chickens carry tons of diseases... (CPS alert!)

    Quote: Evil old lady :p I went to a gal's house today that had a bunch of birds out in a run with a big coop out back, the 9 week old babies penned separate from the older hens, and they had at least 50 chicks at varying ages in a room in their house. I think it was an office. Her house didn't...
  20. MeowCluckBark

    Chickens carry tons of diseases... (CPS alert!)

    Quote: Thank you, she tells me that all the time. I'm pretty lucky to have her for a daughter. I've just kinda ran around town doing what I needed to do without thought of sticking around for them. I got struck by chicken math today. I picked up 5 black Jersey Giant pullets that were 9 weeks...
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